Arriving in Samoa-Part III

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**I just want to say thank you so much for the feedback that I have received. You all are awesome 😍**

August 14, 2017-12:30am

After a 7 1/2 hour flight from Sidney, Australia, the trio landed in Apia, the capital of Western Samoa. During the flight, Jasmine decided to relax herself by getting some sleep, even if it was for a few hours.

"We're here." Dwayne said.

Jasmine then opened her eyes and looked outside the window and saw it was still dark. She then looked over at Joe who was still sleeping. He looked so handsome and peaceful in his slumber.

"Joe!  Aye! Wake up!" Dwayne called out to his cousin.

"Hmmm?" Joe said groggily, opening his eyes.

"We're here! Grab the luggage and I'll grab Jasmine." Dwayne said, once again hoisting his wife over his shoulder.

"Here we go again!" Jasmine sighed.

"Yeah! You damn right here we go again!" Dwayne mocked Jasmine. "You gonna understand what a woman's role is here in Samoa! And if that means I gotta act like a muthafuckin' grunting, knuckle dragging, club wielding cave man to prove my point, I will! And I don't give a rats dead ass who don't like it!!"

"You might as well give in 'cuz you're in our motherland now!" Joe chimed in. "And furthermore, you're gonna acknowledge me because I'm gonna get on my caveman shit too!!"

As they departed from the plane, they saw one of their cousins Kalei....

"Hey usos!! What's good!!" Kalei said excitedly.

"Nothing much Uce!" Joe said, giving his cousin a manly hug. "We got married, so we're on the last leg of our honeymoon before we head back home. I guess we'll be here for about 6 weeks."

"Six weeks? Oh no!" Jasmine whimpered, still hanging limp over Dwayne's shoulder.

"Keep quiet woman when men are talking!" Dwayne barked, smacking Jasmine on her butt.

"Uce, this is our beautiful wife Jasmine." Joe said. "Baby girl, this is our other cousin Kalei!"

"Hey there Jasmine. You're right Uce, she is beautiful!" Kalei gushed, reaching out to caress Jasmine's leg.

"e!!! va'ai ou lima leaga!!! aua le faia a'u e faatiga ia te oe!!!" Dwayne growled in his native tongue, viciously slapping Kalei's hand away from his wife.

(Translation: Hey!! Watch your goddamn hands!! Don't make me hurt you!!)

"Faigofie le uso! Ou te le fai atu se leaga!" Kalei said, holding up his hands defensively.

(Translation: Take it easy brother, I don't mean any harm!)

Joe just shook his head at his two cousins.

"Baby?" Jasmine said in a small voice.

"WHAT?!" Dwayne barked at his wife, still irritated from the exchange with his cousin....

"Can you please put me down? I have to go to the bathroom." Jasmine said.

"There's a restroom over here." Kalei said.

"Go ahead. And Jasmine, I swear to God if you try ANYTHING trying to get away from're not gonna like our response." Dwayne said.

"Play wit us if you want to!" Joe said pointing his finger at her, co-signing Dwayne's warning.

"IM JUST GOING TO THE BATHROOM!!! WILL YOU GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK?" Jasmine yelled in frustration, going into the restroom.

"Hey you watch your mouth woman!" Dwayne snapped.

"Kiss my fat ass both of you!!!" Jasmine mumbled as she slammed and locked the door.

"What the fuck did you just say?!!" Joe growled, storming over to the door, jiggling the knob which was locked

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"What the fuck did you just say?!!" Joe growled, storming over to the door, jiggling the knob which was locked. "Open this muthafuckin' door before I kick this bitch in!!!!!"

"Leave me alone Joe! And let me shit in peace!!" Jasmine shot back.

"Hurry the fuck up!!!" Joe yelled.

Meanwhile Kalei is amused at the exchange...

"Man, she's a feisty one isn't she?" Kalei said.

"Oh don't worry, she's gonna be broken of that real quick!" Dwayne said.

"Hell yeah, especially if we got anything to do with it!" Joe chimed in.

While Jasmine was sitting on the toilet, tears began to slip down her cheeks....

"Please Lord...don't let this be my life." She said to herself.


Yes I know that was short...sorry!
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