Being Called to Account

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In the Last Chapter....


"Well we'll pick them up from there. I heard what happened Jasmine and let me tell you, you won't have anymore trouble out of them. I'll see to it, they'll be staying with me until you all leave." Sione said, seriously, referring to Nia and Tamina.

************End of Flashback**************
Kalei and Sione headed to pick up Nia and Tamina, they were going to stay with Sione until Dwayne, Joe and Jasmine go back to the United States per Ata's request to keep down any more confrontations between the four. Currently, Nia and Tamina were at Sarona's house, but they were going to Sione's house and act like women....

"So what you got planned unc?" Kalei asked being curious.

"Those two are gonna learn to be feminine and submissive whether they like it or not." Sione said.

"Do you think it'll work?" Kalei asked.

"Of course it will, trust, they WILL listen to me, they know that if they get out of line, I WILL stick my foot up both their asses." Sione replied.

Kalei smiled at what Sione had planned, as he felt that his sisters deserved what they were about to get...

As they arrived to Sarona's house, they saw Nia and Tamina sitting on the porch. When they saw Kalei and Sione pull up, the color drained out of their faces. This is because they knew Sione was an old school Samoan man who believed in traditional gender roles.

When Sione got out of the car, he gave them a very stern look...

"Nia! Tamina! Get in the car and let's go! When you get to my house, y'all gonna cook, clean and tend to the garden! I don't want no back talking from either one of y'all, because I will slap your asses in the mouth if y'all try me with the masculine bullshit!!!" Sione yelled. "Do I make myself crystal clear?! I'm a Samoan man and y'all gonna act like traditional Samoan women whether y'all like it or not!!"

All Nia and Tamina could do was nod their heads in obedience, as they got in the car and drove away.

Meanwhile at Ata's House........
Jasmine was resting and being doted on my Dwayne, Ata and Joe. Ata was constantly trying to feed her, Dwayne was rubbing her feet and Joe was reading baby books on his phone to her. After Dr. Faalau said that she needed a lot of rest, she was doing exactly that. They were doting on her so much that she felt guilty about not being more helpful. When she had to go to the bathroom, they wouldn't even let her walk, Joe would pick her up and carry her to the bathroom....

"Joe! I can walk really!" She whined.

"Nope! You are not gonna be stressed out in any way, shape or form." Joe fussed.

"Let us spoil you baby. We don't mind really." Dwayne said.

So over the next few weeks, Jasmine was pampered like a queen. She barely had to lift her finger for anything. Ata cooked and fed her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Whenever she tried to get up to do the smallest task, Joe would get angry and fuss at her and in her frail state, she would be in tears. Then, Dwayne and Joe would get into an argument, almost coming to blows in which Ata would intervene.

"Hey! Hey! Don't be arguing in front of the little mother! Do y'all understand that?!" Ata said, raising her shoe threatening to hit Dwayne and Joe.

"Fine! I'm glad we're going home tomorrow so she can be under Dr. Shareef's care!" Dwayne said.

"Yeah me too!" Joe chimed in.

"Yeah well your still gonna be annoying...with your monkey ass!" Dwayne said, shaking his head.

"Shut up!" Joe growled.

I know that was a little short (dang writers block) but trust me it's gets better, especially after they get home!
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