All the Samoan Ladies-Part IV

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A Few Days Later....

Jasmine was having a lot of fun with Ata and the other ladies. They were showing her the vast compound that belonged to the Anoa'i-Fatu-Maivia family and they were showing her how to cook traditional Samoan dishes and was giving good advice on how to be a proper wife to a Samoan man. That is, all the ladies except for Nia and Tamina. They were still pissed off at Dwayne and Joe and were planning to get Jasmine away from them if not to only show her a good time and that there was a lot to Samoan nightlife. They felt that she was being oppressed by traditional Samoan customs and patriarchy.

Jasmine's POV
Wow! I don't think I have ever seen anything so beautiful! Samoa has to be the most beautiful island I have ever had the opportunity to visit. Not only that, I'm here with the two men that I love more than life itself, even if they are getting on my nerves with their possessiveness, bad tempers and jealousy. Ata is such a sweet woman, she's like a second mother to me, so far she has taught me so many valuable things. She's taught me what makes Samoan men happy, and how to be a good and submissive wife. She explained that although Samoan men were patriarchal and at times aggressive, they were some of the most loving and protective providers that a woman would ever have. She also taught me that a Samoan man's love was like no other, and there's nothing in the world a Samoan man won't do for the woman he loves. And I must say I appreciate that advice because I love Dwayne and Joe so much and desperately want this marriage to work. Savelina and Moana are sweethearts too. They are happily married to good men and loving mothers to their children. They too, have been giving me good advice about Samoan men and marriage and how it important it is to be a humble and submissive wife and to allow the husband to lead. Not to mention, they are all amazing cooks. So much that, I can't wait to try some of these recipes out on Dwayne and Joe when we get back home—pregnant belly and all. Now as far as Nia and Tamina are concerned, I think they mean well, they are just strong willed. Actually, they remind me of my own two sisters back home—strong and independent women who don't define themselves by whether or not they have a man, and I must say that I can truly respect that.

Ata's POV
I must say that my beloved nephews made a wise choices in picking Jasmine as their wife. I mean, she is so kind and sweet, one can't help but to love her. My only concern is that she's as tiny as a bird and I honestly think that she is malnourished. I don't know what Dwayne and Joe are doing not feeding her, but while she's here, I will make sure that she's well fed. What I really like about Jasmine is that when I look at her, I can see the love she has for my nephews shining deeply into her eyes. I also like that she is so demure and innocent and from what Dwayne told me, she was a virgin before they got married—that they were her first sexual experience. When he told me that, I knew that my nephews had made a good choice in choosing a wife. I believe it takes a special kind of woman to remain honorable until marriage. Deep down, I'm sad because I wish my two daughters were honorable like that. I wish my daughters would humble themselves enough to submit to a man, find husbands and bless me with grandchildren and the fact that they are so headstrong low key breaks my heart because I want the best for them. Well, all I can do is pray for them and hope they'll change before it's too late.

Savelina's POV
I just love Jasmine! I think she's so sweet! Not only that she is so pretty. She has that submissive innocence that men, especially Samoan men love! I can just tell that my cousins are crazy about her. It's the way they are so overprotective of her and generally the lovesick look in their eyes they have when they look at her. I believe that she will be a great wife and mother to their children. It is my hope that Nia and Tamina don't corrupt her with their rebellious ways. But you know something? I honestly don't believe that Dwayne and Joe will allow that to happen, they are too much in love with her. While she's here, I am going to make sure that she has a positive example of a submissive humble wife, because I don't want Nia and Tamina to be a bad influence on her.

Moana POV
It was so nice to finally meet Jasmine. I must say she is so pretty and has a sweet personality. I can definitely see why Dewey and Joe chose her. Another great attribute of hers is that she is so genuine. I believe that I am a pretty good judge of character and can spot a phony bitch a mile away, and I can honestly say that I don't get that from her. When my aunt was showing her how to make different desserts, not only was she interested, she caught on quickly. However, I will say that I am concerned about Nia and Tamina having any interaction with her, because as sweet as Jasmine is, I detect she is a tad bit naive and a little too trusting, and if I know my cousins they will do their best to corrupt her. Believe me, the last thing we need is for World War 3 and 4 to erupt on this island, because that's exactly what would happen if Joe and Dewey found out that their sweet little bride was being negatively influenced by those two. So what I've decided to do is, show her the positive aspects of being a submissive woman. This is because Nia snd Tamina pride themselves on being strong and independent, and that's why they don't like me or my sister Savelina because we have no problem at all submitting to our husbands and letting them lead. Hey, that's their problem..and that's why they have cold beds and dildos as Joe has always pointed out. But it's cool because there is no greater feeling to cook and clean for a Samoan man and for him to reward you with his love, provision, and protection. Not to mention, at night, having that same gorgeous Samoan man put you on your back with your legs either wrapped around his waist or up over his shoulders giving you that long stroke, or better still having him flip you over and taking you from behind while his hands are tangled in your hair pulling it or those big meaty hands are slapping your ass. Believe me when I say, Samoan men are damn good lovers, they love to be dominant in bed and they love to talk dirty in Samoan, and they have an endless sexual appetite. I mean, I should know, I have 8 children and of those 8, I have 1 set of twins and 2 sets of triplets. If it was left up to my husband Samu, we'd have about 15 children. My sister Savelina has 5 children, and her husband Vili still wants more. But if anything, I feel sorry for my poor Aunt Ata, because I know she desperately wants grandchildren and her selfish daughters refuse to submit and find a husband and give their poor mother what she desires.

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