All the Samoan Ladies-Part II

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After the confrontation outside, Ata demanded a family meeting with Dwayne, Joe, Nia and Tamina, but not before she administered a beating with her flip flop shoe.....

When they came inside, everyone were staring daggers at each other....

When they came inside, everyone were staring daggers at each other

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"Now let me get one thing clear from all of you..." Ata began firmly.

"But Mama.." Nia started pleaded softly....

"tapuni lou gutu pe a ou tautala!!!!" Ata yelled, raising her flip-flop shoe about to strike Nia again.

(Translation: Shut your mouth when I'm talking!!!)

Nia immediately became quiet and keep her eyes glued to the floor. She wasn't afraid of any man, but her short stout mother was the only person that could strike fear in her heart and humble her.

"Ha!!! That's what your big mouth ass ge.."Joe sneered.

Just then, Joe was smacked upside his head with Ata's flip-flop shoe...

"Ow! That hurts!" Joe said, rubbing the back of his head.

"If you don't shut YOUR mouth, you'll get more of the same!!" Ata warned Joe.

"Yes uso o le Tina." Joe said quietly, putting his head down in shame.

Ata noticed that Dwayne and Tamina were trying to stifle their laughter, and she was none too pleased.

"ou te malie ia te oe? a? na ou fai atu se tala malie?!" Ata said threatening them with a smack of her shoe.

(Translation: am i funny to you? huh? did i tell a joke?!)

"No.." Dwayne and Tamina said in unison, also keeping their heads down.

Ata was silent for a few more seconds, glaring at the 4 menacingly before she began to speak again....

" I was saying...I want to make one thing clear to all of you. First, you will not show disrespect to me, to Jasmine and to each other with this foolish bickering!!!!" Ata said firmly. "We are Samoans, but more importantly, we are a family! We may not agree on everything but what is not gonna happen here is disrespect and foul language and generally being hateful toward each other!!! Dwayne and Leati you are going to take better care of your wife! For God sake, she is so tiny and malnourished! I know you boys know how to cook!!!" Ata said.

Dwayne and Joe remained silent in fear of being smacked again with Ata's shoe. Although, she was shorter and smaller, she could throw punches and smack a person with a shoe so hard, it would cause bruises.

Ata then turned her attention toward her two daughters...

"And the two of you!" Ata said pointing at her daughters. "You need to cease and desist with this strong and independent garbage, find husbands, humble yourselves and give me grandchildren!!!!!"

Nia and Tamina also kept silent. They didn't dare talk back to their mother.

"Now....if I've made myself clear, we are going to go back outside WITH SMILES ON OUR FACES and welcome Jasmine to the family. Is that clear?! If so, then apologize." Ata said.

"We apologize." The four of them said, reluctantly.

"Good, now let's go!" Ata said, as she went out first.

Behind Ata's back, the four were giving each other dirty looks and mouthing threats of bodily harm.

"Quit make faces at each other!!!" Ata yelled, never turning around.


I think this will be in multiple parts as well.
So what you do you think of Ata scolding them?
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