Honeymoon V: Nigeria

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July 13, 2017

Lagos, Nigeria

Jasmine's POV
We've now arrived in Nigeria after a 12 hour flight. During the flight, I gave Dwayne and Joe space to discuss in detail what happened in Beijing. In the meantime, I took time to take a nap, read, and meditate. Actually, I found it refreshing because it gave all of us space from each other as to keep the love and romance alive. I was excited to travel to Africa—to see the land of my ancestors. The plan for this leg of our honeymoon was to visit Nigeria. Initially, we were going to visit South Africa too, but decided to save it for a second honeymoon. We decided to stay here for 2 weeks. I believe that it would not only be a romantic trip but also educational as well-not only for me but the fellas too. It will allow them to learn about African culture and even compare it to Samoan culture. I believe that we will have a good time on our visit here. One of my fellow CRNAs Emanuel Idowu, who attended our wedding, has a home here and told me that when we come here, he has a special surprise for us. Dwayne thought it was wonderful, but Joe..well Joe doing what he does best—act like a jealous, possessive lunatic. I think it was because, at the wedding, when Joe and I had our first dance, Emanuel came up to us and began showering $20 bills on us. Now, I know that it is a Nigerian custom to shower money, especially during a wedding, but Joe thought he was coming on to me and growled at Emanuel.

Flashback to Joe's wedding

"Ok everyone, let's have the brand new Mr. and Mrs. Anoa'i out on the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife". The DJ announced.

"Come on wifey, let's have our first dance together." Joe said, smiling and taking his new wife's hand.

As they made their way onto the banquet hall floor, amid the cheers and applause of their friends and family, Joe and Jasmine engaged in a passionate embrace as they began to dance. While they were dancing, a smiling gentleman dressed in traditional Nigerian attire joyfully danced his way towards the couple. He began to throw $20 bills on them.

As they were dancing, Jasmine felt Joe growling in his chest and felt him tense up, tightening his grip around her waist and trembling in anger.

"The fuck is he doing? Does this muthafucka think he at a strip club? Is he really trying to make it rain on you like you're some kind of fucking stripper?!" Joe whispered angrily in his wife's ear.

"No baby, please calm down and relax. This is a custom that Nigerians have at a wedding. It is a sign of wishing the couple joy. It's perfectly normal." Jasmine explained, whispering back to Joe, stroking his back.

"Yeah aight. For a second I thought I was gonna have to smash his ass." He said.

*******End of Flashback*****************

Present Day

Joe's POV
Well, this is a new experience for me. I don't think in all of my travels I have ever visited the continent of Africa. But I must say that Nigeria is a beautiful place. The landscape is wonderful and honestly it reminds me of Samoa. I think I'm gonna really enjoy myself here, mainly because the love of my life is here with me. I know that one of Jasmine's former colleagues has decided to host us for our stay here and supposedly has a huge surprise to celebrate our marriage. Jasmine and Dwayne thought it was so kind and generous, but me....I think Emanuel is a little too friendly. I mean when he sees my baby, he yells "HEEEYYYYYY MY SISTER!!! YES!!! laughing extremely loud. Just like at our wedding, in the receiving line, this loud ass muthafucka grabs Jasmine hugging her all tight and even kissed her on the cheek. I'm like...dude...that's MY woman you got your hands all over. But what really pissed me off was when we were having our first dance and this clown comes up to us throwing $20 bills on her, making it rain and shit. Man I was so fucking heated that I started trembling and growling because it took everything in me not to beat his fucking ass, I was on 10 until Jasmine told me that was a Nigerian custom. I think that was the only thing that saved him from an ass whipping. Later, he told us that he would host when we visited Nigeria on our honeymoon. I promised baby girl I would chill out and I'm trying to keep my word, but when muthafuckas get too friendly with my wife, it makes me feel a certain way. But after what happened in China, I'm gonna bite my tongue as much as I can.

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