Honeymoon VII: Australia

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Sydney, Australia

August 12, 2017

Jasmine's POV
Well, my loves and I have just arrived in "The Land Down Under"—Australia. Which was another long flight, especially since Dwayne was in such a bad mood. I mean, I don't think I've ever seen him like this before. Usually, he's so upbeat, humorous, and always making light of the current situation. But since the party, he's been sullen, moody and tense. Even the way he makes love to me is different. He used to be gentle and sweet, but now he's just like Joe—he's rough and when he looks in my eyes, where it was loving, now it's possessive. When he use to sing to me while we were making love and caress me gently, now he stares hard at me and tells me that I'm his and I'm gonna have his babies. He even grabs my hair, slaps my ass and now he's biting and pinching me. I must say that I am shocked and a little disappointed by his behavior. Honestly, I don't know what I did to make him behave this way, because it's like a 360 turn. It's making me sad, because I want my sweet teddy bear back. But I did notice that when Omar presented me with those beautiful pieces of jewelry, Dwayne and Joe had looks of anger on their handsome faces that I had never seen before. And neither Dwayne or Joe would speak to me the rest of the night. I was so sad I cried myself to sleep, only to be awakened by Dwayne ripping my nightgown off and taking me roughly, saying that I belong to him and the minute we get home, I was "getting off that fucking birth control". I can't help but shudder when I remember what happened when he woke me up....

"Wake up woman!!!" Dwayne growled as he rolled me onto my back ripping my nightgown off at the same time my naked body shivering from the coolness of the room.

Through my reddened, tearful eyes, I was trying to adjust my vision which was still hazy after crying myself to sleep.

"Baby? Wh-what is it?" I yelp confused, as Dwayne hovered over me, grabbing and wrapping my legs around his waist subsequently thrusting hard into me.

"What do you mean, what is it?!!! I want some ass from my wife!! That's what is it!!!!!" Dwayne grunted as he pounded my pussy mercilessly.

As he took me roughly, I couldn't help but notice the fierce look on Dwayne's handsome face, as it was like something I had never seen before. It was a combination of lust, anger, and possessiveness and actually, it was scaring me because usually, he was so loving and gentle.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask, as I try to adjust to his rough ministrations.

"You belong to me woman!!!" Dwayne growled nose to nose with me. "Do you understand me?! I don't appreciate my fuckin' manhood being disrespected!!!! Muthafuckas buying you expensive jewelry like you are their woman!!! I don't like that shit!!!"

"But...but I didn't do anything." I pleaded. "Why are you taking it out on me?"

Dwayne ignored my question and continued to pound me, flipping me in different positions while pinching and biting me and pulling my hair so hard, I thought he was gonna yank it out. He kept up his rough treatment of me until he finally climaxed. After he climaxed, he rolled off of me and jerked me close to him....

"Nobody's taking you away from me or Joe, is that clear?" Dwayne said firmly. "When we get back home, you're getting pregnant and staying pregnant! I want a football team of kids!!"

"Baby, I'm not leaving you." I say, trying to reason with him.

"Is that clear I said?!" Dwayne yelled. "Answer the damn question!!!"

"Y-yes, baby." I finally said, my tears welling up in my eyes again.

At that moment, Dwayne released me from his grasp and rolled over and went to sleep without even saying goodnight.

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