All the Samoan Ladies-Part III

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**First and foremost, I would like to humbly thank all those who've read and commented on my story. I appreciate each and every one of you 😍😍**

Back Outside....
As everybody went back outside, they all had smiles on their faces. Their smiles were as phony as Monopoly money, but still smiles were plastered on their faces.

"Is everything ok?" Jasmine asked, as she rushed to her husbands, worry etched on her beautiful face.

"Yeah baby girl, everything is good." Joe said softly, giving his wife a hug and kiss.

"We're good sweetheart, just had to clear up a few things." Dwayne chimed in, kissing his wife on her forehead.

Just then, Nia and Tamina stepped forward.....

"Welcome to Samoa and more importantly welcome to the family." Nia smiled, hugging Jasmine.

"Yes, welcome to our island and our family." Tamina chimed in, also hugging Jasmine.

"Thanks ladies, I hope that we get to hang out with each other sometime during these next 6 weeks." Jasmine said.

"Oh we will, of that you can be sure." Nia says giving Dwayne and Joe a knowing smirk.

"Hey! What the fuck was that smirk Nia?! Don't be trying to corrupt my wife! I'm warning you!!" Joe growled.

"Why Joe what are you talking about?" Nia said in an innocent voice, putting her hand to her chest.

"You know good and damn well what he's talking about!" Dwayne snarled.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch Dwayne, she'll be good in our hands." Tamina scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly! That's why I said what I said." Joe said.

Just then Savelina noticed the atmosphere about to get tense again and spoke up....

"Come Jasmine, let me show you around the compound. My sisters and I spent the morning cooking, let us show you how to make Samoan food." Savelina said, nervously.

"Yes!" Moana chimed in, smiling. "Samoan men have big appetites, so you need to know how to cook many different dishes."

"Samoan men have big appetites you need to know how to cook." Tamina scoffed mocking her cousin. "Hmph! They can cook for themselves they ain't helpless babies!!"

"See that's your problem Tamina!" Savelina shot back. "You refuse to humble yourself and submit to a man!! Is that why you're still single?"

Hey Savelina! You know what? Fuck you!!" Tamina screeched. "I don't need a man! I'm strong and independent!"

"Yeah strong, independent and lonely!" Dwayne chimed in.

Joe couldn't help but laugh...

"The fuck you laughing at?" Nia said.

"You silly bitches! Talking about you don't need a man, well keep having a cold ass bed and using dildos!!" Joe  laughed.

"Come on Jasmine, let us show you around." Savelina taking Jasmine's hand and leading her away.

"Yes, I'll show you how to make Samoan desserts too." Ata shaking her head in disgust at her two daughters.

After Jasmine, Ata and the other ladies left, the hostility returned....

"Let me tell you something bitch. Don't think for a split second that we are gonna let you two bitter cunts turn our woman into some rebellious, loud mouth, lazy, bitter thot!" Joe growled, pointing his finger in Nia's face. "She's ours!!!! Do you understand?"

"You better watch your mouth Joe!" Nia snarled, stepping face to face with Joe.

"The fuck you gonna do if I don't bitch?!" Joe said not backing down. "I'm a grown muthafuckin' ass man!!"

"She ain't gonna do shit with her big mouth ass!!" Dwayne scoffed.

"You shut your extra moist, simpin' ass up Dew-ey!" Tamina said to Dwayne.

"Hey you wanna get punched in your damn mouth?! Huh?! Keep talking!!!" Dwayne snarled at Tamina.

"Well, wassup then?!!!!" Tamina challenged, standing with her arms wide open.

At that moment, the four of them were standing nose to nose with each other. Each one waiting for the other to throw a punch.

Just then Kalei showed up and intervened before a knock down drag out fight ensued.....

"Hey, hey y'all...chill out! Aye c'mon Usos, don't do this. Y'all don't fight women." Kalei pleaded, trying to defuse the situation.

"You right Uce.. we don't fight women. But we'll fight these two!!" Joe snarled, never taking his eyes off Nia.

"Kalei, you forgot these ham-beasts you call sisters ain't women." Dwayne snarled, not taking his eyes off Tamina.

"I don't know what was on Jasmine's mind, marrying you two clowns. Did you guys drug her? Well, since she's here in Samoa we're gonna show her some REAL men. And she's pretty too? You just wait until we go into downtown Apia, she's gonna have men climbing over themselves to get with her. By the time we're done with her, she'll be glad to get rid of you two." Nia said with a smirk on her face.

At that moment, a furious mask came over Joe's face as he felt rage like he'd never felt in his life. The mere thought of another man taking Jasmine away from him was too much to bear. Joe was so furious he couldn't speak. He felt like killing Nia with his bare hands.

Kalei noticed the death glare he was giving Nia and prayed that he wouldn't do something he would regret

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Kalei noticed the death glare he was giving Nia and prayed that he wouldn't do something he would regret.
But then, he looked over at Dwayne and noticed he was pissed as well.

"What's wrong did I hit a nerve?" Nia said, still taunting her cousins

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"What's wrong did I hit a nerve?" Nia said, still taunting her cousins.

Just then, Kalei intervened again....

"Hey come on Usos. Uncle Afa wants to see you guys!" He said nervously, guiding them away from Nia and Tamina.

"You two bitches better stay away from Jasmine or we will hurt you! Consider that your first and last warning!!" Dwayne threatened.

Oh boy! What a powder keg!
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