Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold-Part VI

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Disclaimer: This Chapter will contain heavy amounts of graphic violence. Reader discretion advised. This will be a pretty lengthy chapter. Please enjoy! This is a pretty lengthy chapter compared to the others!

In the Last Chapter.....
After the group got downstairs, and Vivian and Lamont were loaded into their respective vans, Jonathan made a phone call to Joe.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Aye we got 'em Uce! We on our way to the spot!"

"Job well done!" Joe replied.

After Joe hung up the phone, he turned to Dwayne with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Let's get ready to party." He said, rubbing his hands together.

"I can't wait." Dwayne replied, an evil smirk on his face as well.
****************** End of Flashback************
Joe and Dwayne were on the road headed to the house where they had Craig and Antoine held at. Jonathan had called him to let him know that they had captured Lamont and Vivian were on the way to drop them off. So now they were on their way to house to exact vicious revenge on these two lowlifes who dared put their dirty hands on their lovely bride, subsequently murdering their unborn children. As they made the short drive, each man was having a mental reflection....

Dwayne's POV
There are not enough words in any language to describe how I'm feeling at this very moment. My family captured those two pieces of shit and are now going to deliver them to Joe and myself. I swear I can't wait to get my hands around the neck of that skinny bitch Vivian. I warned her – – Joe and I both warned that stinking bitch not to fuck with us! Well, now she's gonna pay and pay dearly. She killed her children and her Jasmine. She's gonna suffer until her last breath. I'm gonna take great pleasure in torturing her ass. When we get done, she's going to be begging us to kill her. As we reach the location, my heart is racing, my palms are sweaty, and it feels like my adrenaline is at an all time high, and as crazy as it sounds, my dick is hard. I'm so excited that I get to make these two pieces of rancid dog vomit pay for hurting my family, I'm sexually aroused. Don't ask me why, but I am. I can't wait to get my hands on her scrawny ass neck. I'm gonna squeeze until her fucking eyes pop out! And that Lamont? Man...... I'm going to stomp a mud hole in his ass, then walk it dry! That is, if there's anything left of him, when Joe gets done with his worthless ass! We are headed to the spot right now and I am excited like a kid on Christmas morning!

 I'm going to stomp a mud hole in his ass, then walk it dry! That is, if there's anything left of him, when Joe gets done with his worthless ass! We are headed to the spot right now and I am excited like a kid on Christmas morning!

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Joe's POV
Now is the time, and I can't wait! My family has finally got their hands on the two lowlifes who hurt my wife and killed my baby, and now I'm gonna take great pleasure in ending their lives. The fact that I will never see my baby daughter say her first words, take her first steps, ride her first bike, go to college or get married, makes my blood boil. As God is my witness, when I see those two, I'm gonna take every ounce of frustration, sorrow and anger out on those two. I plan on making them suffer unspeakable pain for causing me and Dwayne sorrow and pain. They had no right to do what they did to Jasmine or our children, so now they have to pay.

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