The Wedding Part 2: Joe (cont'd)

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Lots of smut!!! Fluff!!! Daddy Kink
Note to readers: I made a mistake and press submit on part one before I was ready. My apologies. Joe and Jasmine's wedding will continue here.

Still at Joe's House

"Man....I've never then more ready in my whole life" Joe replied.  "I bet baby girl is going to be so beautiful."

"You already know she is uce". Dwayne said. "Just think you may be nervous now, but I'm gonna be an even more nervous wreck tomorrow when it's my turn".

"Man... I am just waiting for tonight", Joe said, biting his bottom lip thinking about his wife to be.

"Horny bastard". Dwayne laughed. "Just make sure you don't keep me up tonight by squealing like a little girl".

"Fuck you uce....if there's any squealing it won't be from me". Joe laughed.

At the ceremony site
The guests were gathering for the wedding ceremony which was lavishly decorated by celebrity wedding planner Mindy Weiss. Joe spared no expense for the most important day of his life—-the day he married the woman who had stolen his heart.

 Joe spared no expense for the most important day of his life—-the day he married the woman who had stolen his heart

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Hundreds of guests were assembled for this ceremony and as they were waiting, they were treated to the finest champagne as well as a musical piece from renowned artist Mica Levi and her orchestra, who was known for movie soundtracks such as "Jacki...

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Hundreds of guests were assembled for this ceremony and as they were waiting, they were treated to the finest champagne as well as a musical piece from renowned artist Mica Levi and her orchestra, who was known for movie soundtracks such as "Jackie" and who was performing Jasmine's favorite piece from the film entitled "Children". Mica was also a good friend of Dwayne and Joe.

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