Honeymoon VI: Dubai

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July 27, 2017

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jasmine's POV
After receiving a hero-like send off in Nigeria, my loves and I traveled to Dubai. I must say, this long honeymoon has been quite an adventure. My loves and I have been around the world, learning and loving each other. Well, Dwayne and Joe have been loving and learning about me and I have been loving and learning about the two of them. Who ever said that marriage is a learning experience—never told any lies. As we have been on our honeymoon, I have learned the strengths and weaknesses of my beloved husbands, and they have learned mine. Has it been rosy and sweet this entire time? No it hasn't, but I can honestly say that I would not trade this adventure for anything in the world. We will be here in Dubai for 2 weeks and after that we will head to Australia. While here, we will be the guests of one of Dwayne and Joe's business partners, Omar Ali. Omar, like Emanuel, attend both weddings, and as a wedding gift, paid for us to stay in a luxurious suite one of the most luxurious hotels in the Middle East—the Burj Al-Arab. The Burj Al-Arab was considered to be a 7 star hotel and the most luxurious in the world.

 The Burj Al-Arab was considered to be a 7 star hotel and the most luxurious in the world

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Omar was so generous in his wedding gift

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Omar was so generous in his wedding gift. He set us up in the Royal Penthouse suite, which was 4,000 square feet, 3 stories and had 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms. In comparison to the luxury suite we stayed in during our Montreal stay, this was even more fancy. But to be honest, I really didn't care whether or not our surroundings were fancy, just as long as the two loves of my life are by my side. Dubai is a beautiful place, and I'm really enjoying myself. However, much to Dwayne's chagrin and Joe's delight, I am required to wear a Burqa when we are out in public. Dwayne didn't like because he wanted to show me off, but Joe? Oh my goddess....when I say Joe was loving it? Joe was LOVING it! He was happy that I was covered from head to toe including my face, that way nobody could make a pass at me or say something inappropriate which would cause him to get into a fight. Since we will be here for 2 weeks, we will be mostly spending time in our suite, but my loves told me that they are going to take me shopping at the Dubai Mall.

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