Aftermath: Part IV

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After it was revealed that Jasmine was pregnant, everyone was overjoyed. But they also had questions for Dr. Faalau....

"Well, is she carrying just one baby?" Joe asked.

"How far along is she?" Dwayne asked.

"Well, it's still too early to tell. Sarona and I just took a blood and urine sample, that's how we were able to establish that she is pregnant." Dr. Faalau explained. "I would gather than she's no more than a few weeks at most. When you all return to the United States, arrange for her to have an appointment with her OB/GYN, does she have one?

"Yes, we hired a doctor for her. Her name is Dr. Zaheerah Shareef, she's pretty well known in Florida, and she specializes in high risk pregnancies and deliveries." Dwayne said.

"Ah yes, Dr. Shareef, I've heard of her. She's well known throughout the OB/GYN community not just in America, but worldwide. She's also given lectures at our international conferences. She's a nice lady too. I'm sure you'll be pleased with her care." Dr. Faalau said, smiling.

"Well, we're going to be here for another few weeks, is there anything that we need to be mindful until we get back home?" Joe asked.

"Just make sure she gets plenty of rest, she eats well, no mental or physical stress and no sex until after you get back home and even then she needs to take it easy." Dr. Faalau stated.

"Just great!" Joe grumbled.

Dwayne just laughed and shook his head.

"Well, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to give me a call, and congratulations once again and by the way who's the father?" Dr. Faalau asked again.

Once again, Dwayne and Joe looked at each other....

"Well, you see doctor, she's married to both of us, so we're really not sure." Dwayne said sheepishly.

"Oh...I see... well make sure that a paternity test is completed. Good luck gentlemen." And with that, Dr.Faalau left.

After the doctor left, Ata spoke up....

"Oh that's wonderful, my nephews are going to be fathers." Ata said, rejoicing. " all heard the doctor, she's got to eat well and NO STRESS! Speaking of which, where are those good for nothing daughters of mine anyway?!"

"Outside....Probably still licking their wounds from us whipping their asses!" Dwayne grumbled.

"Why were you all fighting anyway?" Ata asked.

"Because your daughters need to learn some manners, how to respect men and their authority, and to stop acting like they're men!" Joe snarled.

Ata just shook her head and went outside to check on Nia and Tamina.

"Come on, Kalei, help me tend to your sisters!" Ata said, sounding defeated.

After Ata and Kalei went outside, Dwayne and Joe went into the bedroom where their wife was still resting with the biggest smiles on their faces....

"Hey my loves.." Jasmine said in a weak tired voice.

Dwayne and Joe just grinned at their wife before responding....

Dwayne and Joe just grinned at their wife before responding

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"Hey my baby!" Joe said softly, rubbing his wife's stomach

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"Hey my baby!" Joe said softly, rubbing his wife's stomach.

"Hey my love!" Dwayne said, giving Jasmine a kiss.

"Well I guess we're having a baby." She said.

"Yes, we are but which we? You and me..or you and Dwayne." Joe said, hanging his head, his smile now disappeared....

Just then Dwayne also hung in his head in sadness at the possibility of the baby not being his

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Just then Dwayne also hung in his head in sadness at the possibility of the baby not being his...

Upon this realization, Jasmine sensed that her husbands were feeling sad because one of them may not be the father of her unborn baby

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Upon this realization, Jasmine sensed that her husbands were feeling sad because one of them may not be the father of her unborn baby.

"Oh my loves, please don't feel bad." She said sitting up gingerly, hugging and kissing her men in an attempt to console them. "I'm pretty sure everything will work itself out."

"Well we need you to rest, we are not gonna have you stressed out about anything. I-I'm gonna go and call Dr. Shareef and let her know the good news." Dwayne said, as he left the room.

After Dwayne left, Joe and Jasmine looked deeply into each other's eyes, as Jasmine caressed her husband's face.

Joe then kissed his wife's stomach as he placed his head on her legs, and turned his head away from her as she lovingly stroked his hair.

"Please Lord, let this be my baby...please." He said silently to himself, as tears began to pour down his face.

When Dwayne stepped out of the room, he stood by the door and watched the exchange between his wife and Joe....

"Dear Lord, I'm an old man...please bless me and let this be my baby." He prayed quietly as tears slid down his face.

He then composed himself and called Dr. Shareef to prepare everything......

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