Aftermath: Part V

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As Dwayne and Joe were processing the news of their wife's pregnancy, Ata was tending to her daughters outside.....

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with the two of you!" Ata said, as she was tending to her daughters wounds and bruises from their altercation with Dwayne and Joe....

"We didn't start nothing mama! It was Dwayne and Joe's fault. They think they can just run over women because they are men!" Nia complained.

"And we weren't having it!" Tamina chimed in.

"Yeah? Well y'all need to learn to shut up sometime!" Kalei said, rolling his eyes. "That's why y'all ain't got men now!"

"Oh shut up Kalei, didn't nobody ask you nothing!" Nia shot back.

"Hey, don't get mad because I'm telling y'all the truth. The both of y'all need to humble yourselves and act like y'all pee sitting down, instead of standing up!" Kalei smirked.

"Your brother is right. The two of you need to humble yourselves and find husbands like I've been telling you all the time! I want grandchildren!!!" Ata yelled.

"Yeah! You guys are so selfish! Mama wants grandkids. I mean look at Jasmine, her humility and submissiveness earned her not one but two husbands AND she's gonna have a baby!" Kalei said.

"What you mean she's gonna have a baby?" Tamina said, sounding confused.

"She's pregnant!" Ata said.

"Oh she's pregnant huh?" Nia scoffed, not sounding too happy to hear the news.

Meanwhile in the house....
Dwayne is on the phone with Dr. Shareef making the necessary arrangements for when they return home...

"So yeah doc, our sweet little wife is gonna have a baby!" Dwayne gushed.

"Oh that's wonderful news! So when will you all be returning to the United States?" Dr. Shareef asked.

"In about 4 weeks, so you and Malinda can go ahead and move into the guest house at the Pensacola residence. I've already notified security at the cul de sac of you guys' arrival, so they are already aware. Kathleen will give you a tour of the property and when we return, Joe and I will give you a tour of the weekend property in Georgia." Dwayne said.

"Ok great, so upon you guys' return, I will need to do a complete work up on her, physical exam, blood tests, and the whole nine. She will be in good hands." Dr. Shareef said. "In the meantime, I am going to collaborate with Malinda and we will put together a dietary regimen for her and if you could give me Dr. Faalau's telephone number, I will need to get some other information from him."

"Sure not a problem, I will text you his number and email address." Dwayne said, texting the information while he's speaking with her.

While Dwayne's handling business, Joe is still with Jasmine, kissing her stomach and talking to the unborn baby, after Jasmine fell asleep.....

"Hey my little one, it's your daddy. I love you so much and I can't wait to meet you. You are gonna be so spoiled. If you're a boy, I'm gonna teach you how to do everything, you're gonna play football, hunt and fish, and if you're a beautiful little girl like your mommy, you'll be daddy's little princess. I'll do everything to protect you and mommy, because you both mean the world to me. But you know, maybe I'll be lucky and have two of you. I just pray that you're mine and that you'll be healthy." Joe said, his voice cracking with emotion, as more tears slid down his cheeks.

Just then, Nia comes storming into the house, followed by Tamina, Kalei and Ata, talking loud disrupting Dwayne's phone call and waking up Jasmine....

"So what's this about Jasmine being pregnant huh?!" Nia yelled.

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