Hell Hath No Fury Like Heartbroken Men

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Hey there my readers! I have decided to rename this chapter "Hell hath no fury like heartbroken men". Please enjoy....or not. Like the previous chapter, this is also emotionally triggering. Reader discretion advised.

Later that evening.....

Dwayne and Joe remained at Jasmine's bedside.
The room was silent, except the beeping of the cardiac monitor and the ventilator breathing for her. It was truly a sad and heartbreaking sight.

On either side of her bed, were her devoted, yet heartbroken husbands. Dwayne and Joe were preoccupied staring at their wife, gently rubbing her head and holding both of her hands, as the tears unable to stop pouring down their faces. At times, they would become so overwhelmed with emotion, that they would bury their faces in their arms and proceed to cry like babies.

At that moment, they didn't care about money, business or everyday things. In fact, they only cared about two things: Jasmine's recovery and bloody retribution to the animals that dared put their filthy hands on their lovely bride which resulted in the murder of their unborn children.

As they remained at the bedside, they each began to mentally reflect....

Dwayne's POV

I swear this has to be a bad dream. As I sit here, I cannot believe that my wife is fighting for her very life and my baby boy is dead. I mean this is the second child that I've had snatched from me, and this is why it hurts so damn bad. Years ago, I fell in love with a girl in Samoa, I thought she was the one, and I thought she loved me too. When she got pregnant, I was over the moon. I was even want to do the right thing and marry her. When she told her parents that she was pregnant, her father flew into a rage and beat her so severely, that she hemorrhaged causing both her and my baby to die. Now, it seems like history is repeating itself all over again. The woman I love was pregnant and ended up being beaten causing my baby to die. But this time, someone's gonna fucking pay. When I get my hands on those assholes, they are gonna beg me to kill them. Usually, I am the calm, logical, and rationale one, but that shit has gone out the window. I think I'm gonna follow Joe's  lead and take a few million, and put it aside for some dirty shit! I didn't take revenge on my girlfriend's father, but I will exact vengeance on the assholes who killed my baby boy!! And that's a promise!!!!

Joe's POV

I only have one thing on my mind right now, and that's murder, violent murder, and bloody murder. My little baby girl was taken from me and I am not going to let that shit slide. I was so looking forward to being a father. I was going to spoil my little princess rotten, she wouldn't ever want for anything. She was going to have daddy wrapped around her little finger. But now that's all gone, all because of a no good rotten muthafucka. But that's fine, because when I get hold of the son of a bitch, I'm gonna take great pleasure in torturing the shit out of them, until they beg me to end their life. I'm damn sure glad, I put that $15 million up, because it's going to come in handy for what I got planned. And as it relates to Carl and Antoine, I warned those muthafuckas not to play with me bout my woman, and now they gonna pay dearly. I don't have anything against Idris, but if he's smart, he'd kick those two out of his crib like yesterday.

Just then, a nurse from the labor and delivery unit, appeared.

"Mr. Johnson? Mr. Anoa'i?" She said as she entered Jasmine's room.

"Y-yes?" Dwayne answered.

"My name is Sonya and I'm the nurse manager of labor and delivery. W-we have your son and daughter in our unit. Would you like to say goodbye to them? And let me also say, I extend my deepest condolences on behalf my staff for your losses." She said sadly.

"Thank you and yes, we would please!" Dwayne said, as looked at Joe for agreement in which he nodded his head in the affirmative.

"Ok, well please follow me." She said.

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