Chapter 16

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A Compy

It ran up to Kenji and snarled at him. Darius sighed and said "It's just a Compy." Kenji turned the rod on and electricitry crackling was heard and the compy ran away. "Seriously, Kenji? It is like a ifoot tall!" exclaimed Brooklyn. "But it's not alone" Aleem pointed out. A pack of compies where there snarling at the campers. "We really need to go" said Aleem knowing what they can do. "Yes, in a group compies can-" Darius got cut off by Kenji "Not really the time for a lesson Dino-nerd!" As a compy jumped on him but he threw it away. "Why not? It's not like you gotten us closer to the docks, 'VIP'!" Aleem voiced loudly now a bit angry after everything that has happened.

The compies started getting closer to Kenji and he tries to keep them away with the rod. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Don't you have some sort of 'book to write and robots to make while showing off you intelligence' for the world?" said Kenji back to Aleem. "What did you say!" yelled Aleem. "Hey calm yourselves! Your're scaring the itty-bitty Compy family" said Sammy. "Huh? Are your for real?" questioned Kenji. More compies are jumping on him and biting. He threw them off as they had a arguement about defending the dinos and him getting them lost.

Brooklyn defends Sammy saying it isn't her fault but Yasmina buts in and says "It is definitely her fault for some of this." Brooklyn continues to defend Sammy "Letitgo Yaz! It's just a phone!" Yasmina gets confused "Wait what? I don't even know what is going on anymore." Darius jumps back to avoid a compy, "Guys! Just stop--" but he was interupted by a roar. The compies look back and Toro is seen walking in the red light ominusly and Toro growls. The compies shriek as they run away from the carno. "Toro" said Darius before it raurs. The campers start running the opposite direction from Toro.

As they run and take turns Brooklyn asks while running, "Now you know whih way to go?" Kenji responds to her, "You wanna stop and ask for directions?" Darius then yells, "Just keep running?" As they all run from Toro they take many turns to avoid it but it still is running behi d them. But they manage to get into the vent to try and escape Toro. "We can't stay here! The ferry--" Sammy got cut of by Darius shushing her. Yasmina and Darius start to crawl in the vent a quiet a possible and find a vent grate which they use the rod Yasmina has to try and open it. But sadly it causes a thud to echo the hold place.

Everyone stays quiet to see what happens and they sigh thinking nothing will happen. But Toro bust down one of the vent grate and Brooklyn screams since she is closest to Toro, as Yasmina and Darius try to open the vent grate. They manage to open it and everyone exits out of it quickly as Toro's roar is heard. Everyone see a sign that says "Exit To Dock 1000 FT" and start running, and al ost everyone is laughing that finally they will get of the island,not Aleem he still is sad after what happened. But the laughing stops once they notice the exit to the dock is blocked by a wall.

Everyone starts looking for a way out, even Aleem though he seems pretty depressed right now. But they realsie that they is no door out and that the personel must have sealed it shut. But the rant is stopped by a roar. Kenji asks Darius what they should do know but he doesn't know. For a negative plus the roar is heard again. "It's getting closer" whispered Aleem scared for what is to happen. More pressure is but on Darius about what they should do but he burst and says, "I didn't know what to do about Y/N, or Ben, or Bumpy, or when the Indominus rex attacked." Another roar which sounds closer is heard.

"All I did was make bad choices and get into trouble and mess everything up. You never should have trusted me. I should have stayes home. I'm a Dino-nerd who played a video game, and I'm no good at this" stated Darius unhappily not knowing what to do. "But you are. Good at this. I mean, like, I'm sure you're fine at video games, too, not downplaying that, but... none of us would have known what to do, Darius. But because you didn't give up, we didn't give up either" Kenji stated the truth. Sammy speaks after him, "You kept us going, no matter what some of us have done." Yasmina's turn to speak, "You made us feel like we were in this together. So, we are. We're a team. We're your team."

Aleem speaks "Darius if it were for you we probably would be alive, you saved us, you helped us, you'v3 done lots of things to helps us and we should help you too as the team we are, because if you fall you got to pcik yourself back up" he smiled a little after what he said but it faded because of a thought of someone. Then Brooklyn speaks, "Things fall apart. And that'sokay because when that happenes..." Darius finishes it "We pick up the pieces and we keep going." Kenji reaches his hand towards Darius, and he grabs it bring him self up.

Toro roars again, "Toro is even closer now" whispered Aleem. "Lets see what is in these crates" Darisu speaks. Everyone goes to a crate and opens them. Kenji finds medical supplies, Darius gets an idea what to do with the super compressed air and with other supplies. They starts doing the plan Darius said. Footsteps are heard as well as a roar. Once Toro was close enough they try to light the fuse,but it just won't get on fire. The Aleem remembered something, he unzips Ben's fanny-pack he has on his waist and takes out the hand sanitizer. "This is flamible, so it will burn", he puts the hand sanitizer the the fuse.

The fuses lights on fire, Aleem silently thansk Ben becasue that saved them. They push the cart with the crate toward Toro as Toro runs towards them. But it didn't explode in time, and Toro breaks the crate, which causes parts of the crate on fire to scatter everywhere. This in turn lights lots of things on fire in there. Toro roars, as they try to run anywhere away from Toro. They run and Toro is near to catch one of them but they maange to escape or Toro slips and falls. Yasmina falls and drops the rib but Samy helps here up.

Darius runs towards the roband grabs it, as Kenji helps Darius out, Toro causes one of the canisters to leak the air. Aleem sees this and get an idea, as Darius and Kenji ran. Darius falls and drops the rod, while Ke ji is picking humup. Aleem grabs the rod and turns it on as he aim towards where Toro is. Toro roars and Aleem throw the rod toward the canister next to Toro. Which causes an explosion but Aleem is able to duck somewhere on time to not get to get hig by the explosion.

"Is everyone ok?" asks Darius. Everyone answer yes, they all try the celebrate but the rocks rumble and Toro comes out from the rubble. Toro looks burnt up and is weak after that explosion, everyone gets into a stance, Toro see them and roars and walks away defeated from them. Now the celebration can really begin. There was one last roar as Toro walks away into the darkness of the tunnel. Yasmina points out tha holes where blown into the wall because of the explosion. Light is coming through from them, the light of day. Everyone starts runnning happily, but they stop once they get to the dock.

There was on ferry, "They are gone, they are all gone" Darius said. Sammy asks a question "They will be back for us, won't they?" Darius answers positively, "Of course they will. And until then, we have each other. Right VIP? Absolutely Dino-nerd. Hey, don't forget 'All-star'." Aleem then says with a nit of a sad face, "Cautious and Bookworm". They all look into the horizen.

We thought we would be safe

That everything would be fine

But we didn't expect claws and teeth

There was screaming lots of screaming

Desite everything we made it

And we will never give up

We will keep trying

And that is the promise we do everyday

We will survive

We will get home

No matter what happen

No matter what is thrown at us

None of us are in this alone

Light foots steps of a small dino are heard. The small baby blue ankylo sniff the ground and rounds towards a girl and boy lauying the the ground a couple feet from eachother. The ankylo rubs onto both of them. And you can see their fingers twitch, it isn't the end for them.

~End Season 1~

That was fun to write, sorry for the slow updates.
To clear things up Aleem and Yaz aren't together anymore they silently broke up, lots of you didn't like the ship

What do you guys things, will this is the end for now, see you soon on season 2.

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