Chapter 21

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Aleem POV

 The morning came and I was sitting down on a beat up couch from the original tree house with my eyes closed. Today was the twenty-second day here at our hand built tree house. I hear foot steps and see Darius sit next to me with this journal that he was writing in constantly. Then I see Kenji go into the makeshift shower and he was shirtless. Hopefully he doesn't use all the water.

My thought train was interrupted by Kenji shouting about the water not being warm, to which I chuckled. All the others were doing their own things to help us or for themselves. Kenji said "No mas agua. A little help." I laughed silently because he ran out of water. "I got you, Kenji" Darius reassured him. "If you keep doing that for him, he'll never learn to do it for himself" Yasmina insisted. I mean she wasn't wrong but what can he do, so help won't do to much harm, right?

Darius shrugged and went down the slide to refill the water supply. But then we hear Darius say "Uh, guys!", and we knew something was up. We all went down to see what it was and to our surprise their was barely any water. "Where did all the water go?" asked Sammy. "Why don't we ask Mr. 45-minute shower?" Yasmina retorted. Kenji shot back at that, "Hey, looking good is part of my brand. And no way I drained a whole river." I saw Brooklyn go down onto the riverbed and Darius spoke, "We better figure out what's up. We're gonna run out of water."

Before anyone of us could say anything else Brooklyn shushed us all. "I hear that hum again" Brooklyn said. We all groan at that statement. Brooklyn then started talking about that hum and we all knew she would bring back the "Frozen patch of flowers" she found. Kenji then mentions that she has reminded us about that for about a few hundred time which I thing is an overstatement, but let hyperboles be hyperboles. Then a back and forth thing started and I decided to ignore it and go look at the drained river.

Then Sammy and Yasmina decided to go with Brooklyn while she goes and looks and tried to solve the mystery of the hum and frozen flowers. That's fine by me, let them have some fun after all we been through. "Ohh, it's a Camp Cretaceous girl adventure!" said Sammy excitedly. This hurt my heart because it's not all the girls, someone is missing. I sigh sadly as some tear prick my eyes but I wipe them away. Darius then said that him, Kenji, and I will unbox the mystery to the missing water. Kenji reluctantly agrees. I jump out of the river and say, "Lets solve this mystery!"This will take my mind of her.

~Time Skip~

Us three are walking parallel to the river through the forest-jungle. I can't keep myself from chuckle at Kenji and his butter knife. Darius is busy writing stuff down, just like how Y/N would have done after all of this, also he has a stick same as me. As I walk beside Kenji. Kenji yelps and turns to complain to Darius. I just laugh quietly, how fun. "Dude, this is the tenth tree on a tree you've written about. How can you be so obsessed with trees growing out of other trees?" Darius answers him, "These ferns are part of the triceratops' food chain.--" Kenji then stops him, "Wasn't looking for an answer."

Darius looks at me and I sigh, but then I had an idea. I walk to Kenji who was collecting some water and spoke, "Dude, I know you like to pretend this place isn't cool or something else, but come on look around yourself! Is it not crazy that we are able to live with living dinosaurs?!" Kenji just looked at me and I cleared my throat, "When they're not trying to eat us." I hear Darius gasp and go to see what it was. "Wait is that an geothermal vent, dinosaurs compete over that to incubate their eggs!" Darius nods happily because that was what he thought.

"See this is cool!" I said to Kenji. But then he stated, "Dirt and steam may be never-ending sources of wonder for you two, but my standards are a little higher." As he walked away I facepalmed, what can I do to show him how awesome this place is, or if awesome if it was managed correctly. I sigh knowing this will be hard, but then just follow him. Darius decided to step in, "You know, I feel bad for you. You can't see what makes this place so amazing."

Kenji sigh and uttered, "I have seen it. All of it. Like, a gazillion times. Oh, and those ferns you're so psyched about? Just there to hide speakers. Sorry bros but I am way over Isla Nublar. There's nothing here for me." Just like that he went off, this upsets me, he can't enjoy the goods of this place. Darius went to check the speaks. Just then we hear Kenji from afar, "Whoa, Aleem, Darius! You were right." We ran to check up to him looking up to a rock wall. "I can't believe it. It's a dead end? This place is the coolest!"

Darius and I look at Kenji with 'really faces'. "Looks like this used to be a waterfall" I stated. "You know what this means! Who's up for rock climbing? That's cool, right? Don't leave me hanging." Darius said excitedly, I smile. But see Kenji leave him hanging so I decide to high-five him instead. Then we walk toward the rock wall and start climbing it. After some struggling and slipping and miss stepping we finally made it to the top. "That was so great!" Darius said, out of breath. "Yeah" said Kenji, "For sure" I said with thumbs up.

After we saw tree trunks and rocks blocking the flow of the water. "That explains our water problem. Okay, so all we have to do is move that tree, and we should be good to go. It's gonna be lit!" said Darius. "You're seriously going to try to convince me this will be cool?" Kenji asked. We both grin at him, he sighs and says, "Let's just get this over with." We walk to the tree and try with all our might to move the tree. But it was no use, didn't even budge. "Huh, thought that'd be easier" said Darius.

Then a roar was heard which startled us and got us vigilant. We hide and see Stegosauruses fighting. "Stegosauruses are very territorial, they're fighting for dominance!" I said super excited to be seeing such a sight. But one flinged a rock at us and we duck. But the tree moved, I look at Darius and see that he has an idea. "I know how to fix our water problem!" Darius said. "I see, alright let go" I exclaimed. "What? No Aleem, Darius!" Kenji blurted. Darius and I go out of hiding and went closer to the Stegos.

"Hey! Over here!" Darius shouted. "Hey! AHH! Come here!" I screamed to get their attentions. Out of nowhere I feel Kenji grab me and I see Darius move a bit out of his reach. Kenji lets go of me and whistles. Now that get their attention as they look at us. One of them comes running towards us and we run behind the tree. We wait for the right moment and roll out the way as the Stego hits the tree with it's tail. This knocks the tree and the water start flowing.

We run from the Stegosaurus trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Another Stegosaurus comes and starts fighting the one after us. Then a Ceratosaurus come out in front of us. All three of us cower in fear, and I see Kenji bring out that butter knife. Us three huddle together fearing the worse. By doing this and being still the Ceratosaurus goes away. We pant out of breath because of that scare. We look at each other and walked that way it went.

What I saw was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I wish I had my phone to take a picture of it. "A watering hole. Dr. Grant theorized that they could be neutral ground for predator and prey under the right conditions. Now without any fences or people around, we might be the first to see something like this." I couldn't believe I was seeing this, "Wow" I said marbling at it, so did Darius. Both Darius and me went running down to the water hole to see it closer.

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