Chapter 41

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3rd POV

Darius sighs in relief knowing that they will be leaving the island soon. He starts to collect items into a bag to have it ready for the boat. He grabs his field guide and looks at all the dinosaurs he managed to right about as a photo of him and his dad falls out of it. He smiles as he looks at it, "I know we still got another 12 hours until the patch on the boat is shipshape, but it seems totes dry to me" said Kenji as he climbed into the tower. He sits down as he continues, "I really wanted to poke it to make sure, but I didn't. Restraint, yo." He notices that Darius doesn't respond, "Hey, man. What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I always meant to check out a Gallimimus for my... book, but never got around to it" said Darius as he continued packing. "Go now. Brooklyn and Sammy are off investigating a mystery, Yaz is on a run, Y/n and Aleem are.... looking for something and Ben's probably somewhere being weird" said Kenji but Darius denies him, "Nah. I need to get the supplies for the trip to Costa Rica." Kenji puts his hands behind his head, "I'll do it for you." Darius turns towards him, "You? Seriously? I mean, there's a lot to do, and-" he gets cut of by Kenji. "Like I always say, 'The more to do, the more I got this'" but Darius responds "Never heard you say that, but if you're sure..."

"Dude, positive! Go find your Galileo" Kenji says as he pats his shoulder. "Awesome! Thanks for being such a team player, Kenji!" exclaimed Darius excited grabbing the walkie-talkie. "Make sure you pack up everything we need. Food, water and... I'll be on channel six in case of emergency!" Darius says as he climbs down. Kenji looks down as he responds, "An emergency packing supplies? Bro, I said, 'I got this'". Darius opens the gate door and exclaims, "You're officially in charge! See ya!" Before Kenji can start celebrating that he's in charge he gets interrupted by a voice. "What is going on here?" asked Ben as he frowns with his arms crossed.

Kenji clears his throat, "I need you to pack um... toilet paper." "Toilet paper? Seriously?" asked Ben, "We're gonna need it on the way to Costa Rica, and I'm in charge" answered Kenji. Ben continues to frown at Kenji until he says "Sure" and leaves.

~With Darius~

He laid on a flat boulder as he watched a pack of Gallimimus run pass him, he wrote in his field guide as one stopped near him. It snarled a bit and walked closer as he smiled. But the walkie-talkie radio static blared scaring the Gallimimus away. "Captain Kenj to... Dariusaurus" said the radio. Darius picks it up, "Go for Dariusaurus." "You're sure that's the call sign you want?" asked Kenji from the radio. "Yes. The answer is still 'yes'" answered Darius. "Don't wanna give anything away, but I already did one thing, and it was flawless." The Gallimimus pack started to walk away as Darius slid of the boulder, "Very happy yo hear that." "I will do you proud" said Kenji.

"Kenji, you have to actually do the stuff and not just talk about it in order to do me proud" said Darius annoyed and frowning at the radio, it was silent on the other side. "Kenji?" asked Darius, "Right, yes. Loud and clear. Talk time is over. 10-4" said Kenji. Darius sighs as he puts it away and begins following the path the Gallimimus pack took.

~With Kenji~

Kenji gets a bag ready and gets something to add to it, "And hair gel" as he plops it in, "Nailed it. What else?"

~Time Skip~

Kenji is grunting as he struggles to get a duffel bag out of a hole where it fits in a little to perfectly. "Come on!" He continues pulling and grunting when a sarcastic voice is heard, "I thought the designated bathroom area was that way." Kenji fakes laughter, "Ha ha! I'm in charge of packing essentials for the boat, and I'm gonna do the best job anyone's ever seen!" The duffel bag finally dislodges and Kenji falls backwards as the items spill out of the bag. He sighs as he tosses the duffel bag away while Yasmina laughs, "You... sure about that?" Kenji gets up while mumbling, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure about that." Yasmina leans on a fence, "Seems like just yesterday you were shirking responsibility to do nothing instead of, you know, the bare minimum."

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm a new man" said Kenji as he smiles at Yasmina. "Want some help, new man?" asked Yasmina, "Yes please" answered Kenji as his smiles falters. She laughs as she follows him as he speaks, "Ben should be helping me but I sent him to get TP, like, an hour ago and he hasn't come back. Nor has Y/n and Aleem--" Yasmina interrupts him and stops walking, "An hour? To get something from over there?" she points at a spot in the tower. Kenji eyes widen when he realizes, "Oh. Do you think something happened to him?" Yasmina answers sarcastically, "On this island? Yeah! I think it's a possibility!" They began to run away from camp to find him.

~With Darius~

Darius managed to catch up to the pack and is slowly approaching a Gallimimus with his hands raised up and smiling. He grabs a bit of grass in his hand and extends it to the Gallimimus. She gets closer and eats from his hand, "Good girl. You were my dad's favorite, you know. Sorry I didn't make it here sooner. I've been a little busy." The radio blares static as a voice is heard and the Gallimimus runs away, "Darius! Darius?" Darius sighs and picks it up, "What's up, Captain Kenj?" "Nothing much. How are things with you?" said Kenji sounding nervous even over the static. Darius answers monotonously as he frowns, "Good." "Cool. Great. Awesome. Me? Everything's great with me. Couldn't be better, really. But, hypothetically, what would you do if a totally capable but scrawny dinosaur kinda went missing?" asked Kenji.

"What?" asked Darius confused, as there was a weaker voice over the radio which sounded like it was saying, "Ben?!" "Nothing. Nevermind, don't worry about it. I got this" said Kenji. Darius sighs, "Kenji, if this is too much for you to handle, say it and I'll start heading back." Kenji responds, "Oh no. No. Don't sweat it. Don't worry about it." Darius asked, "Are you sure?" "Absolutely, I got this, 100 percent" answered Kenji. "Okay. So we've clearly established I'm gonna stay here and you're gonna pack? I should probably let you go, then, so you can focus on that" said Darius annoyed. "Yeah, okay. But, like, one last thing. Hello? Darius?" said Kenji as Darius turns of the radio.

Darius begins again to walk in the direction the Gallimimus pack went until screeching is heard and Gallimimuses run away. Darius notices that the Gallimimuses were screeching at something but then run away. He finds a tree full of quill-like structures, he reaches out to touch it but hears a branch crack above him. He screams as a Gallimimus falls from the branch near him, one look at it's motionlessness and he realizes it's dead. Looking up he sees more quills in the tree.

~With Kenji~

Kenji and Yasmina were at a cliff side when they spot a pack of ankylosaurus and Ben. "There's that little..." Kenji stops himself, as they both get down and pass through the pack. "Pardon me", "Watch it!", "Okay", "Easy", "Make way." They managed to get through the pack and reach Ben, who's with Bumpy. Kenji yells, "Ben! What the heck, man?!" Ben shushes him, "Don't shush me! I told you to get toilet paper!" whisper-yelled Kenji. "I did. And then I came to check on her. It's snack time for ol' Bumper Car. I didn't want her getting hangry around her new friends" Ben said as he got some snacks for Bumpy from a bag which also had toilet paper. Both Kenji and Yasmina cross their arms and frown at Ben.

"What's the big deal?" asked Ben slightly annoyed. "The big deal is you're not respecting the captain's hat!" said Kenji as he points at his head where the hat should have been. "Kinda messed up that you took off and didn't tell anyone where you were going" said Yasmina. "I didn't realize I needed to ask permission to live my life" said Ben annoyed as he stands up. "It's not about that. It's about being a team player. Darius asked us to get supplies for everyone, and instead, we had to go looking for you. Are you part of this team or not?" asked Kenji frustrated they were wasting time. "Okay! Sheesh! I'm part of the team. For the next couple of days, anyway" said Ben as he threw the bag into Kenji's hands.

"What do you mean?" asked Yasmina, "After we go home, It's not like any of us will ever see each other again" said Ben as he passed them without looking at them. They followed him as does Bumpy, "Sure we will!" said Yasmina. "Doubt it. We're spread all over the country. Factor in time, money, life. You get the idea" answered Ben. "No. We're all still gonna hang out. Don't doubt us, especially Y/n. So stop being sad, Ben. Captain's orders" says Kenji trying to bring Ben back to his senses even talking about his relationship. That can't be shattered, can it? Lighting is seen in the sky while a giant dark cloud looms closer.

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