Chapter 19

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3rd POV

It was quite peaceful for the campers just resting by some trees waiting for something or someone. Kenji was throwing a rock at at tree and it bounced back at him and he continued to do so. This action infuriated Yasmina and she caught the rock in her hand. After that Darius climbed down a tree after watching from it. "Good news?" asked Sammt to them. Darius answered, "The Pteranodons are nesting on the eastern mountains, so that's out." Aleem nodded agreeing with what he said and saw up there.

"So we can't stay on Main Street because dinosaurs. The mountains, grasslands, and jungle are out because dinosaurs." said Brooklyn. Then Yasmina butts in, "And Kenji's penthouse is out because he is bad at math." Kenji is offended and tries to defend himself, "Hey I didn't think my dad was serious about changing the locks if I failee algebra. That is not my fault." Aleem responds to that, "Um not to be negative but yeah that's somewhat your fault."

Kenji respond to the group, "Ok, well whatever, the island is full of dinosaurs, we're cooked." "We can't give up yet, we set off the emergency beacon. We need to find somewhere safe to hole up until rescue arrives" said Sammy. But Yasmina had something to say to that, "Where? It's been days. We're out of options." But Darius remembered aomething, "Actually there is one place we haven't tried, but I'm not sure you're gonna like it."

~Time Skip~

There was rubble everywhere, this place was destroyed. This place what was once camp. "Are you serious? Didn't we specifically run away from here?" Darius is quick to give answers, "Just hear me out. There's a stream for fresh water, there are trees and mountains to protect us from the worse of weather and dinosaur attacks", Brooklyn clear her throat at that remark, "Okay not all dinosaur attacks. But if you were coming to rescue a bunch of campers, wouldn't camp be first place you look? And we've even got supplies to build a shelter right here. They're, broken but it will do. Right Brooklyn?"

Aleem started walking around the rubbles of camp while the others either talked or listened. It was in shambles but what Darius said was true and they most likely can do with what they got if they worked together. After they agreed they started trying to gathee things but Yasmina's injured ankled didn't help her out. Darius found a clinic and decided they will go there to see if there was anything to help her.

Aleem POV

After Kenji volunteered to stay behind with Yasmina. I spoke, "I will also stay beind to check if everything is okay and to try and start early with this mess of a camp." The others agreed and I smiled a none toothy one. I also saw Yasmina relax a bit after hearing she won't stay alone with Kenji. "Great plan you guys watch Yaz rest and sort things and find anything of use" said Darius. "Hundred percent.... maybe" said Kenji. I glared at him and hit him with my elbow. He grunts in pain but said nothing.

As the others walked away with planks for weapons, I got to work sorting things out. After sometime Yasmina got up and tried to do some soring but slipped. I walked up to her as Kenji chuckled. "Are you okay?" I ask, "Yes" she responded and got up before I could help her. Then I hear Kenji say, "Okay task one pick through camp garbage for useful garbage." Then he just flips a thin plank and said he completed the task. I just glare at him as my eyes twitched.

I saw him walk towards a tree and slide down it as he sighs happily and calmly. I see Yasmina walk up to him and exclaimed, "That's it? Dude you didn't even try." He shushes her and tells her to join his resting tree. I got aggravated and looked away as I continued to sort things out. As I looked through debris I hear some of the conversation they are having at the moment. And I hear Kenji basically say 'that the best things in life are things you make others do' and he remarks that he is proud of that.

I get more annoyed but continued sorting because I'm the only one, Yasmina is hurt and Kenji is being lazy. I grunt as I move aome of the heavier debris. I sigh and look toward where Kenji and Yasmina were and I see that she's not there, SHE'S GONE. I march my way to Kenji and yell at him, "KENJI WHERE IS SHE I THOUGHT YOU WERE WITH HER!?" Kenji responds a bit suprised at me yelling, "I don't know she just hopped away!" I stared and bent down to drag him in a standing position.

As I get him to stand I point at him, "She's not supposed to be forcing herself. So you and me will go look for her and when we find her and get back here. You WILL help me sort things while she rests, GOT THAT!" He was a bit scared and didn't respond. I huff and grab his hand to drag him and try to find Yasmina. But before leaving I get a thick stick to defend myself, I look and see Kenji have a butter knife in his hand. If we weren't in a dire situation I would have chuckled at that sight.

I drag him into the greenery and go look for her, I hope this will be fast. After a bit I let go off him and he stays by my side. "Yaz" I whispered, so did Kenji as he has his butter knife infront to defend himself. As we walkes a bit more, we hear rustling. Kenji gets scated of this and goes behind me. I roll my eyes at lean of to see what is is. Turns out of Yasmina pulling at vines from a tree, and she appears to have a stick tk help her walk.

After Kenji see it's just her, he laugha nervously and moves away from my back. "There you are!" Kenji said happily. As Yasmina manages to pull down the vine, I state "Is that to move the debris?" She nods, and I nod back understanding. She passes me the other thinks she gathered to me and continues to try and find useful things. I follow behind her as Kenji speaks, "This looks like the exact opposite of what you are supposed to be doing, which is nothing. Can you please just give the macho-women act a rest, already?"

She looks back at him and turns saying nothing. "Kenji unlike some people we both don't give up. We continue until we meet our breaking point, so when you say that it's just infuriating because you are being a hypocrite by saying that." After saying that I turn about to Yasmina to convince her to rest. "Yasmina you need to go back and rest, I can stay out here to continue collecting if it make you feel better."

"No I can do it myself" she said as she walk but tripped on a vine and fell. I see her in pain and grab her ankle with tears in her eyes. I drop the stuff I was holding and kneeled by her. "I think I-- I think I hurt it worse. What do we do now?" she said in pain. No, no this is bad, this is what I was trying to avoid happening and it happened. Uh Aleem think what should we do, what should we do now? I need to think fast.

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