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Being yourself has never been easy; I may have a lot of friends and a lot of money, but I am empty on the inside. I'm not the sort of girl that gets depressed about something so little that it leads and wrecks my mental health. In fact, I have a powerful mind and personality.

(Y/N) (L/N) is my full name. People often refer to me as "Miss Independent," "Deadly Seductress," and "The Flower."  These nicknames, in some ways, describe my personality. I don't need a guy to spoil or fight for me. They believe I belong on the streets since I was able to put 20 guys in a coma in only 10 minutes. Talk about being Independent Of course, That's something I've known from the day I was born. That is why my father often sends me on missions to convince men to agree to my requests for the sake of the Yakuzas. Finally, there is the flower. My friends told me that every time they have seen a flower, they would think of me because of my exceptional aroma and elegance.

And do I, in my perspective, smell like a flower? For God's sake, I smell like a baby! A little history about me, as I indicated 'for the sake of the Yakuzas' oh no, don't be misled, it's all a front. For the 'Yakuza,' I am the first daughter of a feared and well-known guy (F/N). Don't get me wrong: he's not a horrible person who will murder people if he's not in the mood or just bored.


It had been a cold night. My girlfriends and I had planned to go to a well-known club to celebrate my birthday... yup, today is my birthday. I don't usually plan my birthday because I believe it's a waste of time and there's nothing more I can ask for. However, I appreciate it. They made certain that I had the finest night and most memorable birthday ever.

After a long-ass meeting with the Bonten members, I returned home to my apartment since my father was too lazy to get out of bed, so he sent me instead. To be honest, I'm at a loss for words. Because I'm not the type of person who is swayed by looks... but these executives.... dammit.

I went straight to my car after working out. Put on a mask and sunglasses because, believe me, the paparazzi are insane! Oh, I almost forgot to say that I'm a well-known model. Nevertheless, things went perfectly, and I was able to keep my cool and not simp over them.. like bruh? I don't need a man! I am just what a man needs. It's weird because, despite being partners for years, this is the first time I've met them.

So, during the meeting, I'm not sure whether I should explain why I'm so covered. I can't recall their faces that much since my sunglasses are so thick! One thing I'm certain of is that they all smell expensive! It was uncomfortable because a skinny guy with white hair laughed at me when he spotted me in this outfit; despite the fact that he looked dead, he was hot. And I'm pretty sure this person doesn't normally laugh.

"you entered the wrong room, lady," the tall guy with a beautiful long pink mullet stated.

"I am pretty sure this address is correct. My father asked me to attend on his behalf. " I was maintaining eye contact, but it seems like the pink hair guy doesn't even know where to look. He doesn't know if I'm blind or if I'm looking at him.

"Oh, you must be (Y/N)! yes indeed, your father informed us that he wouldn't be able to attend because something came up and he needs to fly to Russia." the slick two-toned man stood up with a bright smiling aura

I rolled my eyes ugh, thank god for these Kim Kardashian big-ass glasses. Is my dad flying to Russia? Oh, come on, he's just at his mansion watching demon slayer. How is that flying to Russia?

I bowed. "sorry for the sudden changes, but I assure you I am as good and capable as my dad! I am aware of why I am here." I stated. 

I admit it was pretty cold here in their hideout like? These people have thick skins huh? Compared to me, I'm just wearing a Nike sports bra with a see-through top.

In my peripheral view, I can see a white-haired man staring at me directly. This may sound funny, but they tried their best to maintain eye contact with me while I'm wearing glasses. They must be very curious about my face.

♡♡♡♡♡awkward moment♡♡♡♡♡

the guy with a tattoo on his neck stood up; oh wait, he has the same one as the slick guy. They must be twins, maybe? he also has the same color as lilac purple-ish? I don't know. But yeah, I think he and the pink-haired guy are both mullet daddies.

"Hi, my name is Rindou; nice to meet you. Please sit next to me, I mean next to Mikey." he kissed the back of my hand, and boy, the rest of the executives, are eyeing him. Like they're ready to jump and kill him for kissing my hand.

I smiled even though he couldn't see it because I was wearing a mask.

"Okay, since Rindou started this, let's introduce ourselves ONE by ONE." the man with nutritious eyebags said. Saying the one by one loudly and eyeing his executives.

This made the executives sit up straight and fix their coats. 

Oh, now I get it. 

Mikey's the boss. 

"I am Mikey. A pleasure to meet you; please send my regards to your father," he said in a monotone voice, but after stating his name, he smiled at you.

"I am Sanzu" he winked at me what the hell? He doesn't even know if I'm looking at him or what.

"I am Kakucho" I sensed kindness in this man.

"The name is Ran, and I believe that my brother already introduced himself" he was smiling at you, but his eyes landed on his brother.

"I am Rin--" "Shut it, Rindou, nobody wants to hear you repeat your name!" mullet daddy 1 stated (aka Sanzu)

Rindou slouched like a kid and frowned...

"And I am Koko; I believe that I have the authority to ask for your number because we'll be doing some money talking." he stuck out his tongue and winked.

"Mochi and Akashi won't be able to make it today, because I asked them to look out for the deliveries that are due today." I nodded.

"Let's start, shall we? the drugs we talked about with your father will be delivered in 2 weeks. as the addict in bonten, Sanzu will take care of this."

Sanzu mouthed, "what???!"

The meeting went smoothly. I bid my farewell to them because it is getting late. I'm still going to do my make-up and choose a dress.


The type of glasses you are wearing

⬷The type of glasses you are wearing⤐

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