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"Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you..."


I am currently in backstage now; my heart is pounding like hell. I know this is not the first that I am walking on a runway, but for fuck sake this is the victoria's secret fashion show! 

When I was about to stand up from my vanity stall, I received a call from Takeomi on face time.

"Hey, (Y/N) I just wanted to say Good luck! I'm sorry for calling out of the blue, but these bitches won't stop bugging me." Takeomi said and flipped the camera. Revealing all the bonten executives. They all came running up to the camera. "Hey, watch it, you stepped on my shoes what the fuck!-" Takeomi said while gripping onto his phone. "Hi babe, we canceled all our meetings for you-" Sanzu said but got caught off by Rindou. "Hey, baby you look gorgeous! Don't be nervous now, okay? I'll know you'll slay this.-" Koko pushed Rindou's face away. He fixed his collar and started to open his mouth. "Sweetheart, HEY WHAT THE FUCK WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I saw him get pushed by Ran and heard his whining as he was shouting when he fell. "Hi, (Y/N)! know that you are the most beautiful angel there.-" Ran stopped when Mochi stood next to him. "Not yet done talking. Wait for your turn- Ah!" You guessed it right! Mochi pushed Ran away from the camera. "(Y/N) GO BESTIE!!! I will be posting you on my Instagram story so strike a pose, okay?" Mochi stated.

I can't stop laughing, I almost shed a tear. But I had to contain it because my makeup will be ruined. Takeomi flipped the camera back to him. "I think I have nothing left to say because they've already mentioned it. Anyway, don't trip on the runway!"

"Thank you so much! I would never get tired of you all. I needed that! Anyways, I have to go now, Bye Takeomi." I said and ended the call.



Okay here goes nothing! I walked fiercely and scanned through the audience. I looked for my dad and saw him standing up while clapping. Wait, who is that next to him? 

Is that Mikey?

I acted naturally as if my heart did startle when I saw Mikey standing beside my dad. I waved at them and saw Mikey's lips formed a smile. As I reached the bottom of the runway, I pouted my lips and did a flying kiss to the audience. Before turning my back, I looked at My father and Mikey.

I saw Mikey holding his phone. I think he's taking a video of me? The crowd was so loud! I even heard people shouting my name. "She's now the most paid model!", "I love you, (Y/N)!", "Strike a pose here, (Y/N)!" and many many more. Damn, what did I do to deserve this life?



⛓Mikey's attire when you saw him beside your father⛓

⛓Mikey's attire when you saw him beside your father⛓

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Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now