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✨I'll edit this tomorrow AGAIN! so please don't be too harsh on me 😭✨


You're the light, you're the night

You're the color of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

You're the only thing I wanna touch

"Round 2?"


My eyes widen, "What do you mean, round 2? We're going to be late, for fuck sake!-" I said as I stood up, looking for my clothes. He put both of his hands on the back of his head like a boss would do. "Why? Perhaps you want to freshen up and take a shower-" He stood up, grabbing his pants. I stopped in my tracks, and I thought to myself, he has a point, though. "Shit! I can't find my panties-" I snapped back to reality. He's in the middle of wearing his polo, I looked at him. "What? If you take a shower, I'll go with you; I can scrub your back and eat your-"

I cut him off. "Mikey! Let's continue flirting with each other later, okay?" I said, wearing my panties. He just smirked at me. Great.

I grabbed my heels and sat on edge of the bed to wear them. He came close to me and kneeled. "Chill, okay." He said, wearing my heels on me, without even looking. "See? You're done now; let's go. It's your fault though why we got held back-"

"I know, and I'm sorry!" I started to walk, but I fell. "Hey, are you okay?" Mikey said, approaching me. "Fuck you, and my legs are shaking terribly," I said, glaring at him.

"Do you want me to get a wheelchair for you?" Mikey said, caressing my back. My brows furrowed when I heard his statement. "Please, don't." He reached out his hand and helped me stand up.

"That's what you for fucking with your former commander-"I cut Mikey off. "less talking and more walking, please?" I said while knotting his tie.


We're now inside the elevator. We both stood there as if nothing had happened. I was waiting for him to press the ground floor, but he just stood there pointing at a particular floor number.

"What now, Mikey?" I looked at his hand pointed at the 69th floor. "Let's do this next time." He said, looking at me. "Let's just go, please?" I looked down and massaged my forehead. It's funny because he's like this back then; I'm glad there's a part from him of his past. He may be strict with his members and executives, but this side of him? I'll never get tired of it.

He clicked the 80th floor; what the fuck are you planning now, Sano? I let him be, though. The elevator indeed stopped at the 80th floor. My jaw dropped; there's a fucking helicopter in front of me.

"Close that mouth before I slide my dick inside." He said, grabbing my hand as I immediately closed my mouth out of embarrassment. Why you gotta call me out like that, Sano?

We are now inside the helicopter. "Seriously? You have a limousine and now a helicopter, don't tell me, you also own a fucking spaceship?" He just chuckled and pecked my lips. "Hold on tight, okay?" he said, grabbing my head to lean on his shoulder. I thought he was the one who was going to fly us to the venue, but he hired a fucking pilot.

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