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What the fuck is Akio doing here? He must be the mastermind behind all of this nonsense. My thoughts are all over the place in this building. This is really a never-ending series of problems, and I've gradually come to terms with the reality that (Y/N) will never return to us. But this? This is too much.

Sanzu slapped me on the shoulder, and I suddenly came back to my senses. "Stop zoning out, Kakucho! I don't know if you are too shocked to speak, or you're just simply reminiscing!"

I aimed my gun at Akio as he slowly walked in our direction while clapping gracefully. Do you know the scene in euphoria where Maddy was slow clapping? Yup, that's what Akio's doing right now.

"The fuck are you clapping at?!" Mochi shouted.

"Oh, nothing. I've now realized how naive you were not to see. I simply get the impression that I'm seeing the last act of Marvel's end game, you know? I'm talking about the moment when everyone began yelling and applauding when Flacon came. Do not be misled; there will be no savior to rescue all of you from your troubles. You're all polluted as fuck."

We all tilted our heads in confusion. What the fuck is this dude talking about?

"Hey, Just give us Zuki, and we won't cause any harm to you." Takeomi placed his gun back in his pocket. Akio just placed one of his hands on his waist and the other one massaging his forehead. "God. You are all stupid. You know what? Let's play a game. You have to guess which direction (Y/N) will appear. Ready?" We all just looked at each other with confusion while Hanma pulled out a cigarette.

Hanma placed his cigarette on the corner of his lips and spoke. "This will be fun."

Akio clapped again, making us look in his direction. "You guys ready? Okay, let's go!"





"Okay, before I say 1... Rindou, are you sure that you should be aiming your gun at me and not at-" A female voice cuts Akio off. 


I searched for the voice who said '1'...

as I looked in Koko's direction, I saw (Y/N) behind him aiming a gun on his head. "(Y/N), Don't!-"

And then bang, everything went black.


I slowly regained consciousness. When I glanced to my left, I saw Ran bleeding, and when I looked to my right, I saw Mochi tied up in the same way I was. Next to Mochi is Sanzu.

Sanzu is trying to break the chair where he was seated and tied up as well. "Fucking hell! I'm going to rip your head off!-" I heard footsteps approaching us.

"Damn, took you long enough, (Y/N)!" Hanma stood up.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. (Y/N) appeared before knocking everyone down. She pulled a chair and sat in front of us.

"Let's do some catching up, okay? I just wanted to know how stupid you all are." No one dared to speak.

"Silent treatment, huh? You guys are so stupid to the point that you didn't even notice that it was me the whole time. As long as you can pull out your dicks and play with girls, it doesn't matter, right?" (Y/N) spoke, looking in Ran's direction. "Look at this bastard still unconscious. But when he forced me to have sex with him, he was so alive and full of life."

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