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Wait, what is happening? How come I didn't notice it when he said 'again'? Maybe I am dreaming now. Maybe I got drunk and passed out. Yes, this is a dream.

"Shocked? I see you're wearing the same scent, huh? You can't fool me just by covering your face. While your father and I were discussing, he showed me a picture of you. Telling me how much you mean the world to him. Now I understand him why." he stated, looking deeply into my (E/C)

"Aaaare you sure that was me? you're such a funny man." I wanted to keep my identity hidden at all costs. But Mikey is a different breed for noticing me.

He just smirked at me. "Do you want me to drive—" I cut him off. "You know I think I should go home; I'm getting dizzy, and I need to feed my Tiger."

Did I just say tiger? he tilted his head in confusion. "Anyways! it was nice meeting you, Mikey."

He waved his hand goodbye. Whispering to himself, "Damn. one day, you'll moan for my name."

Walking towards the elevator, I pressed B1 (Basement 1). I remembered I wasn't able to return Mikey's coat! I was about to give it back when my elevator closed. 


I exited the elevator and took my heels off as soon as I could. Yes, I am well aware that I have not yet reached my car, but I have also hit my maximum in terms of distance. Because my feet are hurting, I couldn't give a damn if someone saw me wandering around barefoot anymore.

I had no idea that someone was keeping an eye on me. This dude was enjoying his cigarette while resting against his black Audi R8. I yelled since I didn't expect anybody to be on the bottom floor, given that it was the valet parking level. He did all he could to keep his laughs to himself after watching me screaming like a b*tch as I tiptoed towards my car. 

This is so awkward may car is parked next to him. I completely ignored him; I could still feel him laughing deep inside. I hope he chokes on his cigarette while making fun of me.

searching my bag, I realized something. "I'm so stupid I forgot this is valet parking. So, my keys aren't with me."

The man faced me and laughed hysterically. eavesdropping huh. "You need help?"

I faced him with teary eyes. I am vulnerable right now because I'm drunk.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry, and I'll call someone to come retrieve your keys for you. just stay there, okay?" We locked eyes for 5 seconds. We were analyzing the face of each other.

"Oh, shit, I'm staring for too long. I'm sorry." Aw, that's so kind of him to help a drunk girl. He threw away his cigarette and turned his back on me to call someone.

Wait, I know that hair... think (Y/N)! You've seen him somewhere.


Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now