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They say, "All good boys go to heaven"
But bad boys bring heaven to you

"We'll be having steak tonight. I'll pick you up at 7:30, okay?"


And with that, he went back inside as if nothing had happened. His eyes were so beautiful. I can stare at his purple irises forever and get lost in them.

My gosh, Kai never mentioned her brothers are such charmers. Speaking of Kai, I wasn't able to thank her properly.

I called her while I was on my way home in my white Mustang GT. "Hey, I'm really sorry I wasn't able to say thank you and goodbye properly to you. You know what happens when the alcohol hits me."

"It's okay. You have nothing to worry about, kay? You know I got you as much as you got me. Keep that in mind, babe! Oh wait, you've already Ran and Rindou right?". Kai responded.

"Oh yeah, about that, Kai... hehe."

"I don't like that 'hehe' of you; what are you planning?"

"Uhm, I'm going to Rindou's house later. He invited me for dinner. Maybe you wanna tag along?"

"I think im going to pass on this babe, and my head is killing me. I can't even remember a single thing that happened last night. Anyway, update me okay? If Rindou does anything to you, just let me know I'll shave his head!"

"You don't have to worry about me Kai, you know I'm not an ordinary girl, right?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot your toxic and manipulative!"

"Ugh, thanks for all the love and support, Kai" I'm aware that she can't see me, but I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"I can totally see you rolling your eyes. Anyway, ciao bestie! Or should I say, future sister-in-law? Enjoy your little date with my brother. He's a great cook, by the way," Kai said happily.

"I just hope that you'd stop shipping me with anyone always" I ended the call and reached my apartment. I already parked my car and went down; Walking upstairs to the lobby, Kenji ran towards me.

"what's up, Kenji-Kun? Why are you running as if your life depends on it?" I said to Kenji. Kenji is also a member of the Yakuza, and he works under my father's direct commands. We've known each other for more than 5 years now, but he's more like a brother to me since he's always there when I need to pour my heart out to someone. Isn't it ironic? A heartless girl pours her heart out as if she really had one.

"Someone sent you this (Y/N)!" Kenji reveals a Bouquet of flowers behind him.

"Someone sent you this (Y/N)!" Kenji reveals a Bouquet of flowers behind him

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I drew my brows together. Yes, I do get presents from complete strangers on a regular basis. However, this particular bouquet has made my heart melt. It just takes one glance at the flowers for me to figure out who has sent them.

I took the bouquet and said thank you to Kenji. "Thank you so much, Kenji! I-" he cuts me off. "Anything for you, Mi lady" I laughed because I got used to him being flirtatious. 


I reached my apartment and quickly removed my clothes, getting ready to take a shower. I laid down the bouquet next to my bed and...

noticed something fell.

"I have mentioned to you that I was the one who brought you home last night a while ago ;) Now that I know who you are, I expect you to stop hiding your gorgeous face from me. If you plan to drink again, please notify me so that I may cancel all of my scheduled appointments in order to be there for you. I couldn't bear the notion of having someone drive you home again because you were too intoxicated to drive yourself. Your well-being is my top priority, princess. 


I flipped the card and his number was written. 


If y'all are wondering what Kenji looks like!

If y'all are wondering what Kenji looks like!

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AGE: 27




Here's your White Mustang GT!

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Here's your White Mustang GT!


Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now