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It's in your lips and in your kiss
It's in your touch and your fingertips
And it's in all the things and other things
That makes you who you are and your eyes irresistible.

"I have mentioned to you that I was the one who brought you home last night a while ago ;) Now that I know who you are, I expect you to stop hiding your gorgeous face from me. If you plan to drink again, please notify me so that I may cancel all of my scheduled appointments in order to be there for you. I couldn't bear the notion of having someone drive you home again because you were too intoxicated to drive yourself. Your well-being is my top priority, princess.



For some reason, I feel like wearing something elegant. It's 6:50 PM already; I'm expecting he'll arrive at 7:30 because that's what he said a while ago, right?

Bitch you thought. He arrived at 7:00 PM! Someone's excited to see me.

While putting on some perfume, Kenji called me. "Love, are you expecting someone? Because there's a black Jaguar F-type outside. I talked to the man, and he said his name is Baby daddy?! What have you gotten yourself into now?"

"Is that so? He said he'd pick me up at 7:30, but it's just 7:00. Kenji, can you go back to the man and ask him to go up first here in my flat? Cause I'm having trouble zipping the back of my dress," I said to Kenji while laughing.

"Hey! I am here. I can do that for you, and I can even scrub your back whenever you can't reach it while taking a shower!-"I cut him off. "Can you just please tell me him to go up? Don't worry if you're having trouble reaching your back in the shower, I'll assist you and use a toilet cleaner to scrub it." I responded, laughing my lungs out because of Kenji.

"Okay, belle. I'll do that. please be careful." Kenji said in a concerned tone.



It's not that I'm excited to see her, but I just don't want to fuck this up. She's not the type of whores we used to fuck and give money so they can go our houses without fetching them. She's a daughter of a fucking Yakuza!

While waiting, I saw a man walking towards where my car was parked waiting for (Y/N). I opened my window. "Are you picking a fight with me?" I said. His brows furrowed. "Aggressive, I see; I would just like to ask if you are waiting for someone because where you are parked in is my boss' parking." He said in a threatening voice.

"Is that so? Who is your boss?" I said to the weird guy.

"(Y/N). Why?" he said

"Luck is on my side, no? I'm actually waiting for her, but I told her that I'll pick her up at 7:30 I'm just a little bit early." I said while my hand was placed on my nape and my other hand holding the steering wheel.

"A little bit early, you say? You're 30 mins early! Are you attending a graduation ceremony? What is your name? it's my first time seeing someone like you here." he said, laughing at me.

I clenched my teeth before responding to him. "The name is Baby Daddy."

He widened his eyes as if he were against my 'name'.

"I'll inform (Y/N) about your arrival-" he said, instantly reaching out to his pocket to get his phone and ring (Y/N).

"No, wait! I'm okay here. I'll wait for her; I don't want her to think I'm rushing her or whatsoever." I said, lowkey panicking. He is getting on my nerves. He turned his back on me and dialed (Y/N).

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now