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"He's alive."



Two weeks had passed, all we did was search about Eishi. I had a gut feeling that I've already encountered this man. But why? (Y/N) said he was dead? But to me, he doesn't look even dead at all.

I am now staying in my home. To be really honest, I bounced back very soon. Zuki must be a really capable medical professional, I'll give her that. Even Takeomi healed in a short period of time.

Right after I got off the shower, I saw Kakucho and Takeomi in my living room.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I approached them.

"Can you just put some clothes on first?" Kakucho stated pointing at my towel that's wrapped around my lower body.

"My house, My rules." I said as I sat on my couch.

"K, fine whatever. Just wear some shirt or what, please?" Takeomi begged. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed the polo that I've worn yesterday, I was so high I forgot to put this on the laundry.

"Okay, before we start where's Zuki?" Takeomi stated

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"Okay, before we start where's Zuki?" Takeomi stated. "She's in her room right now, and why?" I responded to Takeomi's question while arching my brows.

"For the past 2 weeks, she's been here with you. The moment you got shot, she was also the one who helped us. But, we can't let our guard down. At the time we discussed about (Y/N)'s brother she was also there. I'm not saying that I'm suspicious of her, I'm just being careful." Takeomi responded.

"Yup. To add, I'm actually surprised she has her own separate room, considering you can't keep your dick inside your pants..." Kakucho spoke looking directly at me. "So are you done now? by all means, I'll show you the door-" I said standing up.

"Can you just sit down and listen?" Takeomi stood up pushing both of my shoulders down, forcing me to sit. "First and foremost, things must be done. There was a message on my car before it blew up. It goes on, 'You shouldn't have touched the picture.' I saw you with a fucking photo in your hand. Sanzu, can you tell me where it is? I just shrugged it off that you had slid it behind your pocket since I was under the idea it was a photograph of a naked woman.-"

I cut Takeomi off. "Hey! What do you mean, a picture of a naked woman? I'm maybe an addict but I-I-I never mind, that's something I would do."

"So where is it?" Kakucho asked me.

"Give me a minute I'll go get it." I went to my room and grabbed the pants that I used when we went to (Y/N)'s hideout. When I pulled out the photograph, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was in excellent shape; the only blemishes were bloodstains.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now