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"Someone's going to die..."



"What do you mean someone is going to die?" swear to you, I have a nasty feeling about this situation. It was a never-ending string of problems. Koko only stared at me with a troubled expression on his face, and I wondered whether Takemichi might be of help to us.

"I'm not familiar with this person. I can't even tell you whether he's alive or dead. I couldn't see his face since he was laying down with his face on the ground." Takemichi stated. It's not the time to overthink these problems at the time. We can, without a doubt, avoid this. It's possible that one of us may die; perhaps bringing Takemichi into my home was a stroke of luck.

"Please don't leave my home, Koko. Just wait and see if Takemichi catches anything else, okay? If anything like this transpires, please contact me immediately." Koko just nodded at me as a proceeded to my room. I can't afford to get distracted now.


"Zuki, are you ready?" I walked inside her room to see how she was doing. She just nodded and grabbed her gym bag. The drive was quite easy. I didn't immediately ask her whether she had any links with Akio. According to her records, she was an orphan who was adopted by a wealthy man.

When I opened the door for her, Zuki just gave me a kind smile. "Some things never changed I see."

"What do you mean?" My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Oh nothing, I just noticed you've been a gentleman since day one." She went inside completely leaving me hanging. What do you mean by since day one? Is it possible that we have met before? I'm not sure what to say. However, I feel at ease with her, like if we've already met before.

While exercising some cardio, I observed that Zuki was engaged in conversation with a man. I took a break from my workout and went over to them. "Hey Zuki, are you done- What the fuck? What are you doing here Takeomi?"

"Wow, you people really treat me like I'm a senile old person, do you? Is it true that I am not allowed to exercise? Keep in mind that ladies come to me rather than the other way around. Kakucho, I can attract a greater number of females than you. Anyway, Zuki and I simply happened to run into one other. I'm relieved to hear she's doing well." Takeomi stated while smirking at Zuki.

"I didn't mention anything about you being a geezer. I'm simply shocked to see you here for the first time; this is the first time I've seen you. Do you have a ride home, by any chance?"

"I just asked Ran to drop me off here. So no, I don't have a ride home."

Zuki butts in looking at me. "We'll be happy to offer you a ride! Is that correct, Kakucho?" I just nodded. "By all means, I'm going to take a shower. I'll show you to the women's locker room Zuki." She waved her hand goodbye to Takeomi, as she followed me. "Okay, here's the entrance to the locker room. If by chance that I finish sooner, I'll wait for you outside, okay?" She nodded and entered as I walked to the men's locker room.

I walked into the shower room as I was taking off my dirty clothes. While I was washing my face, I heard the front door open and swing wide. "Is there anybody in the house? Is that you, Takeomi?" I wiped the soap from my face before turning to face the person who had just arrived.

My pupils dilated as soon as I took the soap out of my eyes. "Zuki?!" Her eyes widened as much. She immediately turned her back on me. I had totally forgotten that I was absolutely nude. My nude body was clearly visible since these bathroom showers are constructed of glass, and I am certain that she did see it. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that when you enter here the first thing you'll see is the shower room. I-I-I'll go now. I was trying to call you but you weren't answering. I'll just take a shower in your house because I forgot to bring my soup."

I stepped out of the shower, got a towel, and wrapped it over my body before walking up to her. I tapped her shoulder, indicating that she could turn to face me. When she eventually turned to face me, she had her eyes closed. "You may open your eyes now, I've got my towel on,"

I looked her straight in the eyes. While streaks of water were dripping from my hair and onto my face. I combed my hair back with my hand, tucking everything in the back. I had no idea her eyes were as stunning as they were. I leaned one hand on the wall, seizing the chance to invite her out to dinner. "Zuki, can I ask you out on a date? Like dinner?"

Her gaze was drawn to my lips as if she were enchanted by me.  She softly pressed both of her hands onto my cheeks. "It's a beautiful scar you have," I smirked at her as I looked her in the eyes. "You know, you're the second person who ever complimented my scar." I said pointing at my scar. She brushed her thumb across my lower lip.

I couldn't keep my lips from kissing her, so I gave in and kissed her. I withdrew my hand away from the wall and put it on her leg, signaling to raise her leg, while my other hand was placed on her nape.

Although the kiss was passionate and calm, it was not lusty or demanding in any way. It's as though our lips were designed to be together. I took my hand away from her neck, tenderly stroking her butt.

I grabbed both of her legs and wrapped them around my waist. I then broke the kiss and started sucking her neck gently a number of silent moans exited her lips, and she also started biting the inside of her lower lip. While her legs were wrapped around my waist, I made my way back to the shower room with her.

I pulled her back against the wall and began kissing her lips again, but this time with a lustful purpose. She stopped the kiss as she began removing the towel that had been wrapped around my body.

I seized both of her wrists and placed them on top of her head before she could remove her bra. I brought my lips closer to her ear.

"Change of plans. We'll be having dinner right now."

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now