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Tryna stand up on my own two feet

This conversation ain't comin' easily

And darling, I know it's getting late

So what do you say we leave this place?




She dyed her hair black...

I saw tears forming before I walk towards her, she broke down on the floor. Do you know the position where your legs are positioned like a frog and you're staring at a blank space? That's exactly (Y/N) right now. Even if she's not talking, I can see and feel her pain.

I think she doesn't even know she's crying. She's this tired huh?

I ran towards her, wrapping my hand around her back, my other hand lifting her chin gently. "Hey, let's talk about this inside okay?"

Her eyes still looking down, King, on the other hand, placed his chin on (Y/N)'s shoulder. "See? Even your dog misses you." I said wiping her tears with my thumb.

You know the feeling when you badly want to cry too? because you can't bear the thought that the most important person in your life is suffering?

She looked up into my eyes and chuckled. "Okay."

I held her forearm, helping her to stand up.

"Do you want something to eat?" (Y/N) asked me.

I walked towards her and placed my hand on her cheek, making (Y/N) look deeply in my brown eyes. "I need three things from you. First, I need to take a shower. Second, I'll do everything. Cooking, cleaning, and taking the trash out. Lastly, let me take care of you."

"But-" she tried to speak.

"No buts! Now go play with King, I know how much you miss him." I removed my hand from her cheek and placed it on the top of her head as I was leveling her.


I just got out of the shower, "Hey do you have any extra-" I stopped talking when I saw her smiling...

I miss this side of her.

She used to be a joyful girl, carefree and free-spirited in her teens. She used to have a beautiful smile on her face all the time. She had dreams, and they were enormous dreams, but she did not comprehend that the world was much wider and much more frightening than she had anticipated.

She will tell you that everything is okay. She will even put on a brave front, but she is coming apart on the inside. She wants to scream, but the only thing that comes out of her lips are desperate gasps of despair. She wants to scream as loud as she possibly can so that others would notice that she is struggling, but her voice is just refusing to comply. She believes that everything she does is a waste of time. She believes that she is leading a meaningless existence. Her thoughts are muddled by uncertainties and what-if scenarios.

She is not in need of worldly possessions from you. She has the means to support herself. She requires nothing more than devotion, sincere love, commitment, and respect. In order for her to feel special, she does not need extravagant dates. You aren't even required to visit her on a regular basis. You are also not need to give her sweets and flowers on a daily basis! Even a simple phone call or text asking how her day went will be much appreciated by her. All she asks is from you is a bare minimum. She does not need your apologies; she requires genuine, honest attempts on your part. She merely wants you to pay attention to her. She just needs a few little things to make her happy. Your love for her must be unconditional, as she deserves to be cherished.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now