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You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
You got that long hair, slicked back, white T-shirt



Kakucho stood up and went to the door. "Go back to the sea where you belong; I see you brought some of your sea friends too huh," He said leaning at the door.

"So Ran, what are doing here exactly?" Kakucho looked at Ran who is smirking at (Y/N). "I wanted to see (Y/N)'s beautiful face." Ran responded to Kakucho while his eyes were analyzing your face. Kakucho rolled his eyes. "How bout you Mochi, what's your reason?"

"Don't look at me like that! I just wanted to get (Y/N)'s signature that's why I tagged along. You are being selfish now Kakucho" Mochie responded looking at Kakucho.

While Kakucho was leaning on the door and Kenji holding the doorknob, Rindou removed Kenji's hand who is blocking his way walking towards (Y/N); "Hi baby, did you miss me?" Rindou said pulling both of my hands and placing them on his shoulders, his hands transferred to my waist pulling me closer.

Rindou was about to kiss me when suddenly, Ran grabbed his brother's face and moved it away. "Move bitch, get out the way-" Ran walked towards me completely ignoring Kakucho and Kenji.

Ran came to a complete stop in front of me. "Hello, I'd want to use this opportunity to fully introduce myself. My name is Ran Haitani." He bowed to reach down for my hand and kissed the back of my palm. "Oh, okay-" I remarked in shock. Ran seemed to be rather confident in front of them, don't you think? Perhaps he was aware of his attractiveness. He stood up looking at his brother and spoke while pointing his index finger directly to Rindou. "It's a tie now, jellyfish."

Rindou held his chest dramatically, "Did you just called me jelly-" Ran cut him off. "Yes."

"Uhm, Hi I'm Kenji by the way. I work under (Y/N)'s father. Are you guys here to visit (Y/N) or do you have some other plans?" All of a sudden Kenji spoke breaking the tension between the Haitani Brothers. "Can we go in first? It's kinda confidential to talk about this but yeah." Ran said walking towards my living room. Mochi and his little brother are hesitant to go in. "(Y/N)'s doesn't mind. Right, princess?" Ran said already sitting leaning on my couch. He tapped the couch, signaling me to sit beside him.

"Of course, by all means, please make yourselves at home! The more the merrier right?" I said holding my nape and stepping back allowing them to enter. Kenji eyes me because of my statement. He leaned to me and whispered. "Are you sure it's okay?" he said in a concerned tone. "Here we go again, you know that I'm the strongest among you men, right?" I whispered back at Kenji. "Yes I know, but that's not the reason I'm worried."

"Then what's your reason exactly?" I said to Kenji while arching my left brow. "Who knows? Maybe they'll abduct King and sell his parts or rather eat them in the Black Market. Something, the beast would do." I can see that Kenji's much more concerned about than my dog. "That's cannibalism Kenji..." I replied to Kenji.

Rindou was eavesdropping in on our conversation, and I had no idea. He drew his gun and aimed it towards Kenji, who was standing nearby. My body rushed in the direction of Rindou and unlocked the cabinet next to my door, grabbing my gun and directing it at him swiftly. "What do you think you're doing, Rindou?"

Mochi was about to sit down on the couch, but he suddenly rushed back at the door, He pulled his gun and aimed it at Rindou. "REALLY MOCHI? THIS DUDE IS BULLYING ME." Putting his gun back into his back pocket. "I'm sorry! If you're trying to harm anyone that's close to (Y/N)'s heart, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger." I looked at Mochi and he winked at me.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now