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"I say we all team up to bring back Mikey and finish this once and for all. Besides, the Bonten started because of Mikey-kun."



Is this really the answer? My dad widened his eyes at Takemitichi's proposal, the same goes with Eishi.

I was about to speak but Eishi intervened. "I'm g either way, we have enough manpower. Right, dad?"

"My children have my complete faith. I can't believe we're all here at the same time. I honestly thought I'd never see Eishi again; your mother must be quite proud of you. However, I respectfully suggest that you refrain from involving me in any way. Because this is not my battle. However, if you require anything, I will be available at any time."

My father just smiled at me, bro. Tanjiro's victory in the entertainment district was the last time I saw him grin, and that was a long time ago. While Eishi, on the other hand, pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of my father. "Dad, please tell me how to pronounce cheese in Japanese."

My dad was like: "Chizu 😬"

I can't help but chuckle when I heard my dad say cheese. Yes, my brother is a gentleman, but he's also a bit of a joker when the situation calls for it. "Eishi, I vow to you that I am telling the truth. If that photo is spread, you'll be wishing that you should have remained anonymous."

"Come on, Dad, I'll simply use it as my lock screen wallpaper, and maybe the rats will be scared when they see your photo." Oh shit, Eishi just said that to our dad... "I'll airdrop this to Takemitchi for good luck. Don't be shy where's your phone, Takemitchi?" My brother added.

Takemitchi was about to pull out his phone nervously when suddenly Eishi spoke again. "You know what? I'm thinking of turning this into a meme. with a caption: 1 like = you're going to heaven, if you chose to ignore this picture, you're going to hell. If you share this picture, you will get eternal money. Witty right?"

Takemitchi was trying his best to contain his laughter. My dad placed his hand on Eishi's shoulder. "How bout, I surrender you to the police? Right here and right now." Oh shit, Eishi's done for.

"You won't do that to me dad, you love me."

"You have to trust me when I tell that all it takes is one phone call for the cops to show up. After all, you're the most pursued criminal in Japan. Oh, wait a minute. How are the 30 boxes of cocaine and 50 boxes of Majiruana?"

My brother scratched his nape nervously. "You know... like father like son. Who said I'm going to make a meme of you? Psh, I'm grateful for your genes, ugh! Without you, I wouldn't be this popular with girls! With my 6'4 height? 😅 -"

My father cuts off Eishi. "That's right you should be grateful for me. Or else, I'll cancel all your deliveries."

Eishi just stood there quietly. I guess he's trying to regret everything huh?

"Oh by the way, (Y/N) if you agree to team up, there are people who are willing to join us!" Takemitichi spoke in a delightful tone. "You guys can come in!"

What do you mean, 'they'?

My jaw dropped when I saw Mitsuya, Senju, Hakkai, Inui, Kawata twins, and Pehyan along with Pah.

"(Y/N) do you remember them?" Takimitchi stood proudly. "Of course how can I not? except for one..." I stated pointing at Inui. "Oh, that's Inui! The ex bestfriend of Koko."

I smirked. "Oh, the brother of Akane right?"

Inui gulped. "After all these years, it's possible that Koko hasn't moved on from my sister. Mitsuya didn't tell me that you were incredibly beautiful. I mean, it's good to finally meet you. My name is Seishu Inui-"

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now