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Ten different looks and my looks all kill
I kiss him in the mouth, I feel all grills
He eat in the car, that's meals on wheels (woo!)

I was born to flex (yes)

"Welcome to my hotel, sweetheart."


"Wait, what? You own this hotel?" I said in disbelief.

"Why are you so surprised sweetheart? Just because I'm a bonten executive, doesn't mean that's the only thing I do for a living." Koko said while working towards his staff.

"Konbanwa, Koko-sama, The A-lounge is ready-" she stopped talking to Koko and averted her eyes on me. "Omg are you (Y/N) (L/N)?????!" she asked me.

I nodded. She took out her phone. "Can I have a picture you with or maybe a video greet for my daughter? My daughter watches your runway shows, she was too worked up that she wanted to be a model like you as well!" she said happily as if we're the only ones in the Lobby.

"Pardon me, Koko-sama I just can't imagine (Y/N) is right in front of me! She is so pretty, I wish I have a face like that." She said bowing to Koko while her hands is in a praying position.

"Please stop bowing, I completely understand. I was also like that when I met (Y/N). Do you want me to take a picture of you?" Koko said smiling extending his hand to the lady.

"Thank you so much Koko-sama! This means a lot to me." The lady said wiping her tears.

"Now, now let's not cry okay? I would also increase your salary if you'll take care of my sweetheart, how does that sound?" Koko said while wiping the tears of the lady with his backhand. Damn, Koko why you gotta be so kind? I can feel that you're trying to win my heart right now.

The lady handed over her phone to Koko jumping happily. I wrapped my hand around her shoulder and she hugged my waist. "Okay 3, 2, 1, strike a pose!" Koko said before taking a picture. I extended my hand and grabbed the Lady's phone switching it to video mode and flipped the camera facing me. "What is the name of your daughter Ms?" I asked the Lady who is still hugging me. "Her name is Ichigo. Ms. (Y/N)."

"Hello, Ichigo! How are you doing? Your mother loves you tremendously! I've heard that you're a fan of my runway shows, so if I happen to run into you and your mother, I'll send an invitation so that you may come to see me slay on the runway! Do not give up on your aspirations at any cost, okay? Before I hand over the phone to your hardworking mother, I'd want to provide you with some advice. Make sure to remove your makeup at the end of the day. Because beauty isn't only about outward looks; it's also about what's on the inside behind that stunning appearance of yours." As soon as I stopped the video, I gave back the phone.

While giving a message to the lady's daughter, I saw a glimpse of Koko as if he was blown away by something.

"Thank you so much (Y/N), My apologies if I keep on saying thank you to you, I just can't contain my happiness right now." the lady said and I hugged her.

"with that, now let's go to the main reason why I brought you here." Koko placed his hand on my lower back and led me to the spa.


My eyes still can't believe what they're seeing; this is such a magnificent spa! As I made my way into the spa's lobby, I glanced up and searched for the name, because, well, why not? It's possible I'll bring some of my friends here if the service is exceptional.

"A's Lounge" I spoke to myself. "You were saying something, (Y/N)?" Koko asked me. "Oh, it's nothing I just read the spa's name. Why did you name it A's Lounge though?" he just stared at my (E/C) eyes. Maybe he didn't expect me to ask that? Is there a meaning behind that?

He didn't answer my question and changed the subject. "Enough questioning sweetheart, follow the lady you'll see when you enter the first room. She'll guide you through the Massage room." Koko said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, I'll go now. Thank you for this Koko! I'll make it up to you." I said hugging him. "Everything for my sweetheart, and please I just want you to relax before flying to LA." He said and pulled a card in his pocket. "Here's my number, call me if you need anything okay? I'll just go to the mall to buy drinks. Have fun sweetheart!" I took the piece of paper that he handed to me and he immediately left.

"Here's my number sweetheart, Use this if you finish early. Go spoil yourself you deserve it." When I flipped the paper, it has a black card stuck at the back of it! Woah, do I look broke to him or what...


'Damn this is the life' I murmured to myself. It felt like it all happened within a minute but that was 3 hours straight of pampering! I went out and saw Koko waiting for me. I went to him and gave him his black card back. "You're not the only one who has a black card you know," I said to him and he chuckled.

"I didn't say anything that you don't possess one sweetheart, Anyway this is for you. Sorry, I lied to you about buying drinks, but when I was walking to Starbucks, Hermes caught my attention. I saw this bag and thought of you." He handed a big orange paper bag to me.

My jaw dropped when I opened the box! It was fucking BIRKEN BAG! Not just any birken bag. It's the 30 cm handbag in brown cacao niloticus crocodile! "Koko why did you...why?!" I said questioning him.

"you don't like it? We can buy another one!-" I cut him off, "What are you talking about? I don't need another bag, this is more than enough but this is so expensive." I said while getting my card from my wallet. He stopped my hand and said.

"You are deserving of it since you have attained yet another milestone in your life." He patted my head.

"Thank you, Koko, I'll use this bag in LA," I said holding his arm.

"Let's go, home sweetheart, I know you're body feels wiggly due to the massage a while ago." He said looking down at me.

"That would be great, Koko thank you again," I said leaning on his shoulder while walking towards his car.

"As long as you don't strangle me, like what you did to Sanzu." He said laughing


30 cm handbag in brown cacao niloticus crocodile

⬷ 30 cm handbag in brown cacao niloticus crocodile ⤐

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A's Lounge

⬷ A's Lounge ⤐

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