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Girl, just let your hair down
Let's paint the whole town
Life is our playground, yeah
But I'm not a kid no more
So I must open doors and make you feel like the lady you are
My momma raised me to be classy, not flashy
I'm happy to please you
Though I can tell that's not what you're used to

"Thank you, Ran."



I walk towards her and sat beside her while she was facing in my direction. I noticed that she needed assistance sitting up, so I held her hand and her shoulder as she tried to get herself up. She was saying something, but I couldn't understand a single thing. Do you know what guys do when they talk to someone or rather to a girl in a bar? That gesture when they lean closer? I did that. But she remained quiet and closed her eyes.

"You should rest. 3 days before the big event right?" I didn't ask her to repeat what she said anymore. I sat up straight and smiled looking at her smiling face. Ran contain yourself, get your shit together!

"I bought some medicines, I left them in your living room. I'm not sure what you are feeling right now exactly, so I bought three boxes containing different medicines. It also includes some pain killers-" I stopped talking when she fell over shoulder; her face on my neck, 'oh okay' I said to myself and caressed her hair. "Go get some rest, (Y/N). I'll be going now." I said as I tried to stand up.

She hugged me. "Thank you so much, Ran" she said, I can feel her warm breath on my neck. Fuck.

"No worries, (Y/N)-" She cut me off and hugged me tighter "Please, don't leave me."

"Okay, I'll be in your living room if you need anything." I held her shoulders and putting back her to bed. I was about to stand up when she held my wrist. "Please, stay here with me."

I returned to my seat next to her bed and nodded. "Okay." At the same time as I was lying down alongside her, I took off my top clothes and shoes.

She shifted to the right side of the bed, indicating that  I'll be sleeping on the left side. We both sank under the comforter and laid down together. I swore to myself that I won't do anything to her. She deserves more than that.

To my surprise, she moved closer to face me. "What's wrong? You cold?" she looked up, looking directly at my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry.."

"You don't need to be sorry about that, it's normal to feel cold when you're sick come here." I replied to (Y/N.) I spread my right arm signaling her to come closer. I faced her and placed my hand under her head. Bro, I bet her body temperature is really high. I could feel her shivering, so I embraced her securely while running my other hand through her hair.

''She's already sleeping, isn't she?' I thought to myself as I looked at her. I kissed her on the forehead. Without even noticing, I was already asleep.


It was almost 8:00 a.m., and I glanced over at her, who was sleeping soundly. I rose up slowly and cautiously after removing my hand. Before going out, I looked back at her sleeping position. 'There is something so unexplainable about you that makes me feel I have found my match.' I smiled and grabbed the doorknob.

I'm not the best cook but I'll try my best to help (Y/N) recover ASAP. I went over to her kitchen and looked for something to cook, maybe bacon and eggs will be enough? Damn, I can do this right? I finished the entire season of food wars! Deep breaths, Ran. You got this.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now