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"Because, you're my home, Kenji."


"What do you mean... I-I'm your home?" I sat properly, detaching my forehead from hers.

"It is what it is, Kenji." She held my cheek.

"No, wait. Something's not right. We have all the time in the world before, why are you telling me this right now?" I have a gut feeling that something's not really right."

"Let's run away together, Kenji. Let's start a new era, where it's me and you against-" (Y/N) was about to kiss me, but I caught her off.

"The world right? Are you listening to yourself now? you're not like this (Y/N), you know to yourself that I'm the last person you can manipulate and join your little scheme." I stood up.

She remained quiet.

"Kenji-" She stood up and held my wrist.

"No! All this time, All this time (Y/N)! I never thought you'll ever take advantage of someone's feelings, and that's what you are doing to me now. You don't play with people's feelings!" I removed my wrist from her grip.

She stood and hugged me, placing her head on my chest. "You're also the last person I didn't want to hurt. But I'm sorry the (Y/N) you knew last month... she's gone."

My eyes widened at her statement. No, not again, please don't make this happen. She's literally let herself drown in darkness.

"What do you mean?" I caressed her hair.

"It's better this way, Kenji. No feelings, no problem. The less you care the better right? I used to be afraid of losing people until I realized most of them were never really down for me anyways. Even though my loyalty and love for them ran deep, they couldn't care less. So instead of being afraid of losing them, I fell back and watched them lose me." (Y/N) stated in a vengeful tone.

"(Y/N), I care for you more than anyone, I'd risk my life just to be with you. But not in this way." I responded and felt tears running down my cheeks.

"What do you mean what way? This is the only way, Kenji. In our world, we can't be together. You know that deep inside your heart. If you join me, you'll have all of me." She stated lifting her head while looking at my lips.

Her words made me think...

There was a moment of silence until I heard my phone ring.

☎ (F/N) (L/N)☎

Me ☎:



Kenji, where are you? Why didn't you show up?

Me ☎:

Gomen, (F/N)-san but I think I might have clue where your daughter might me. I'm deeply sorry for acting without informing anyone.


No need to apologize, as long as you're intel can be useful. I'll let the others know to keep searching for (Y/N).

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