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I'm tired
You're wired
Why fight it?
It's just the same thing
Tonight is
My final

"Hi sweetheart, I've missed you."


Sanzu's POV

Damn, I wish she was just a regular girl that I could abduct and keep to myself for eternity. She's not a bitch at all, she is a fucking boss baby, and she knows it. I can feel the pleasure running throughout my whole body, why does she have to leave me hanging like that? Now I need to summon a whore tonight and give her the opportunity to finish the work that (Y/N) left. Wouldn't it be a brilliant Idea? In any case, she is not my girlfriend at YET. So I can still do whatever I want.

I am now buckling my belt again and fixing my suit. I put back my gun back behind my pocket and texted Takeomi.


Bitch, I'm done dealing with the traitors. How bout you? (Y/N) walked away from me without even saying a word.


Aw you poor thing, you think your charms will work on her huh. Seems like she got you wrapped around her finger.


Are you done insulting me? Keep telling that to yourself. I can pull anyone I like, even if I had to kidnap them just to be mine.


Whatever floats your boat, brother. Anyway, I'm here with Koko in (F/N) office, we'll settle the payment so get your ass down here. And maybe just maybe, you want to fill his father with what happened in the basement.


Roger that. Just so you know, if by chance you're not brother, I should've killed you years ago when I had the opportunity.


Aw so sweet! Love you too, Sanzu <3


At (F/N) office. | Sanzu's pov

I reached (F/N) office, I knocked 3 times before entering. I saw Koko and seating next to Takeomi.

"Sanzu-san! How did it go? Were you able to identify who's the traitor?" (F/N) said while looking directly at my eyes.

"Indeed, turned out all of them were traitors. (Y/N) did a great job!" I said smiling.

The smile is still on my face but all of them were looking at me puzzled. I saw Koko smirking and looking directly at my neck.

"Are you okay Sanzu-san? Did any of the traitors tried to harm you?" (F/N) said.

"What do you mean sir? Nobody can touch me-" my eyes widened and I stopped talking when I remembered what (Y/N) did to me.

"Where's (Y/N) by the way? You're the only one who came back. We need to discuss the payment here with her." (F/N) stood up and went looking at the left window of his office.

"Oh, after killing the traitors she walked away from me without even saying a word," I said giving a nervous smile.

"Did my daughter do that to you Sanzu-san?" (F/N) walked towards me examining the 5 fingertips on my neck that are starting to turn purple.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now