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At first, I was unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation they were in. I paid close attention to the looks on their faces. The whole grand staircase gave the impression that they were consumed with anxiety. I have no doubt that something unanticipated will take place. I lost track of what they were saying when Mikey instructed them to walk. On the other side, Akashi came walking up to me.

They carried on moving as if I wasn't there and I didn't exist.

"Hey Akashi, you good?" I asked.

"It is not the appropriate moment to tell you this, but I ask that you kindly remain within easy reach to me. In the event that anything unpleasant occurs, you should escape and leave me or anyone else behind. It's possible that another gang has something planned for tonight, but I can't say for sure. Without a doubt, I am aware that you are able to defend yourself. But the members of S62 make up this gang in its entirety. Make an effort to keep your composure. Even if Eishi instructed us not to tell you, you have the right to know this information in order to protect yourself. You are the one who will benefit from this event, not Bonten."

It left me confused, wondering what Akashi was talking about when he said I would be the one to gain from tonight's event. Regardless of the outcome, I am always ready for anything that may come my way. I only nodded and then made my way to the function room where the event was being held.

Everyone was already seated when I walked into the room, and Akio was standing there waiting for me to join them. Everyone looked great, but I felt like their focus were on Akio.

"Akio, why is everyone looking at you?"

"(Y/N) Trust me, they are looking at you, not me."

After a quick sweep of the room, I saw that everyone was looking at me rather than Akio. Even Bonten was gazing at me. As Akio guided me to the table where my brother was seated, I grabbed hold of his arm tightly. I've never felt so anxious in my whole life. I had the thought that everyone was following my every move like a predator. When I arrived at Eishi's table, I took a firm grip on his hand and asked the status of the situation. because I got the sense that everyone was on edge.

"Eishi, why do I feel like everyone is on edge?!"

"Don't worry, (Y/N). It seems as if everyone is simply really anxious about this event since it marks the beginning of the process of making things legal. Naturally, not everyone was in agreement with this, but doing so now would be beneficial in the long run."

Perhaps I am giving too much thought to this matter. I didn't give it much thought and stayed by Eishi's side during the whole event. The event went off without a hitch, and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Standing in line for the buffet, I felt someone's fingers brush across my waist. I'm not sure what gave me the advantage, but I was able to recognize who that individual was without looking back.

"So, how's the party, Mikey?"

"You immediately recognized me without even bothering to look in my direction. I'm just trying my best not to let myself fall asleep here. It's not that I'm bored; it's just that I have this tendency to fall asleep at the most inappropriate moments."

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now