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I know them, other guys, they've been talking 'bout the way I do what I do. They heard I was good .They wanna see if it's true. They know you're the one I wanna give it to can see you want me too. Now it's Me & U

"You're my new ecstasy, (Y/N). With that attire, I might fuck the shit out of your right now."


At the basement

"You know I am very considerate and understanding right?"

The three badly beaten-up men nodded.

"So why the fuck would you do this?" I can feel my anger getting the best of me.

"Please (Y/N), you know I'll never betray you. You know it to yourself." Traitor #1 said.

"Are you for real trying to manipulate me now?" I said pointing my gun at his temple.

I bent down and whispered. "You have 3 seconds to answer me. Where are the other deliveries?"

He frowned and started to cry. "3.."

Suddenly, he laughed hysterically... "if I tell you, will you let me free and live my life as If nothing happened?"

"2..." I shot his left thigh. "Maybe if you're dead, you'll be free." He groaned in pain.

"ROT IN HELL (Y/N)!" he said lifting his head. "and 1.." I shot him in the head without even having second thoughts.

I stood up and went to Sanzu.

"Damn babe you've just proved to me that the rumors are true, are you dangerous." I ignored him and walked towards traitors 2 and 3.

He lifted his head. "I believe that honesty is the best policy Ms. (Y/N)."

I Furrowed my brows. "and your point exactly?"

He remained quiet. My god I'm running out of patience. "silent treatment I see,"

Without hesitation put a bullet between his eyes. "2 down, 1 to go."

"I'm so sorry Ms. (Y/N) our story ends here-" without letting him finish, I shot him 3 times.

"My shirt has lovely prints already ugh." I said sarcastically, walking towards the sink, holding my gun.

"It's true, you are dangerous. Well done (Y/N)-" Sanzu said leaning over one of our boxes while smoking.

I cut him off and pointed my gun at him. "Damn, I think I already found my match," Sanzu said pulling his gun and pointing towards me.

Sanzu laughed and put his gun back. "Well, that was an amazing show. Even without my help, you can pull this off on your own eh?" Sanzu said while slow clapping. 

"I know babe." I gave in walking towards him while still pointing my gun.

I stopped when our faces were inches apart, my gun is now pointed at his temple. When unexpectedly, He snatched my wrist and twist it behind me, now I'm bent over some boxes and he's behind me holding my nape down with his free hand. My gun slid through my hand and he kicked it away from me.

In that position, I was able to get away with it. I stood properly while fixing my top and aggressively grabbed his neck, bringing it closer to me. My free hand traveled across his chest and down his growing his dick. "Damn, did I just strike a nerve? Thank you for the flowers by the way." I winked as I started to unbuckle his Louis Vuitton belt.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now