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Rhythm is a dancer, I need a companion
Girl, I guess that must be you
Body like the summer, fuckin' like no other
Don't you tell 'em what we do


"Baby, we own this bar."

My eyes widened instantly as if I was on drugs when he said that... I can't think straight. At first, he said "sister," referring to Kai, And now my drunk ass can't even stand properly. Not to mention my face is super red! Yes, not just my cheeks but also my entire face.

I don't know if he is just good with words or what. But right now I want to explode! Rindou called me baby and Ran called me beautiful. Kami-sama thank you. I take back what I said a while ago, I'll sleep with a man tonight.

I was zoning out when Ran snapped his fingers in front of my (E/C) eyes. "Hey, Beautiful what's your name?"

did he just called me beautiful again? But wait he asked for my name.. shit.

"Here drink this." Rindou brought me water how sweet of him. He also saved me, from his brother asking for my name.

I looked at Rindou hesitating if I should drink the water. "What do you think I put something In it?"

*still staring*

He drank half of the water then looked at me. "Do you think I will drug you? What kind of an owner would do that." He stated while looking into my (E/C) eyes.

At my side, ran still holding my waist, he laughed and voiced out. "Something you would do brother. I'm just kidding we are good people! We will escort you back to your table if you drink the water. you know what they say, drink your water bitch, kay?" I nodded politely and slightly laughed because the way he said 'drink your water bitch' was hilarious.

"how come you're so kind to him? This face can be trusted baby." He proudly smiled and pointed at himself while I and Ran were just plainly staring at him.

"who knows? I admit you are handsome that's why I can't trust you right away! You and your brother are red flags! It's written all over your faces!" Ran gave me a confused look.

"Aw, did you hear our little angel? He called us handsome! For that, I will only charge you 5000 yen for the water!" Rindou uttered giving me those fuckboy, puppy eyes vibes.

"Okay, you can keep your water. I'll drink from the sink in the washroom. Kiss my ass goodbye!" are you serious? Just for water? I mean I am not broke but damn these dudes are such a pain in the ass.

I removed Ran's hand around my waist and turned my back on them. When I turned my back I bumped into someone. how an embarrassing way to exit! I zoned out because this man was huge and he smells so good. To point that I want to rub my face on his chest.

"don't worry I'll pay for your water sweetheart! And I will make sure to get it from their monthly pay. As a gentleman, you can order anything you want. It's on me." Confused is written all over my face. I looked up and shit this is Koko. The one who was lowkey flirting with me a while ago and trying to get my number.

For some reason, I hugged him "thank you so much for the offer but I have to decline, it's my birthday today and these two barneys won't stop bullying me!" I said it in a baby voice as if someone took my candy. The siblings gave me a 'What the fuck face'.

"Is that so? In that case, let me be the one to escort you back to your table birthday girl." I and Koko walked elegantly as if we won a lottery. His hand was placed on my lower back and I was holding his arm. I looked backed and winked at the siblings.

"damn I think I'm ready to be a father." Rindou said as if he was hypnotized. 

Ran stood quietly covering his member from growing.

Walking back to our table I saw some familiar faces again. Before reaching our table Kai pulled my hair. "Where have you been? We thought you already went home with a guy!"

My brows are furrowed and whispered. "that's your doing, not mine! And how come you didn't mention to me that your brother is Ran and Rindou?"

"you met them? I was about to introduce them to you but disappeared!"

"well yeah, I've met them already," I said rolling my eyes.

"don't worry! They're good people! Let's sit first okay. Oh, Koko, you've met (Nickname) already, let me steal her for a minute kay?"

"by all means Kai, you can have her now" Koko replied to Kai.

Before guiding me to my seat, Koko kissed my hand and whispered. "Happy Birthday sweetheart."

My eyes widened. "Arigato, Koko!" he smiled and bowed to me. Such a gentleman. Kai pulled me to the couch immediately and I bumped into the guy next to me. I apologized because Kai can be careless when she is drunk.

The man I bumped into moved closer to me, putting his hand on my waist, and whispered "Happy Birthday, (Y/N) (L/N). I'm glad I was able to see your face again."

I smiled and said thank you without looking at him.

"Isn't it a bit rude saying thank you without proper eye contact?" he removed his jacket and placed it on my shoulder. I was already smiling and was about to say thank you when...


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