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"But if you betray me, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes."



Zuki tried to shrug it off, slightly laughing with a sweat-drop appearing on her forehead "Very funny, Manjiro."

She was looking at Emma's grave while she stated that. "Look at me."

The moment Zuki shifted her gaze on me, her forehead was already touching my gun. She didn't even flinched, she remained calm. "Are you seriously threatening me in front of you sister's grave?"

"Just making sure. Don't get too comfortable, Ms. Doctor." I was about to pull the trigger when I saw a smirk appeared on her face. "You can't kill me, Mikey. I get that you don't let your guard down at any cost. But you need me and you know it to yourself."

I removed my gun on her forehead. "Let's get you home."

As she opened the passenger seat's door, a clear envelope fell from the dashboard.

She picked it up immediately. "Mikey, something fell from your-" she stopped talking when she flipped the clear envelope. "Is this, (Y/N) (L/N)?"

"Uh, yeah." I responded getting inside my car.

"When was this, you together or something?" Zuki asked as she entered my car.

"No. She has been missing for more than three months now. Those were paparazzi shots." I stated while starting my car. "Why do you have these with you?"

"I surprised her that time. I bribed the staffs of Victoria's Secret so I can see her walk down the runway..."  Zuki asks a lot of questions.

"I see. Oh, you even have a picture here where you're recording (Y/N)'s walk."

"My angel." I stated quickly more like whispering or talking to myself rather. 

She quickly turned her head on me. "What?!"

"Nothing. I said I had done something awful things to her. Simply put, I believe I was obligated to retain them. I look at those photographs every day as a reminder to myself not to lose sight of my goal." I looked at Zuki.

"and that goal would beee?" Zuki lifted a brow on me. Damn this girl surely asks a lot of questions.

"To apologize to her." I started the engine and drove.


It was a silent ride.

"Mikey, how did you become friends with Sanzu?" My brows furrowed at her question.

"We were childhood friends, along with Baji and Senju." I responded without leaving my eyes on the road.

She just nodded and looked at the window.

"Wow. that coat is really nice." I saw the stoplight turned red. I faced her while she was still looking at some boutique. "Right, Mikey?"

I came back to my senses. "Uh, yeah. Do you want to check it out?"

I pulled over and went to the store with her.

"Hi, I'm Yasuda! Please let me know if you need any assistance." The staff greeted us with a nervous smile.

Zuki immediately ran to the mannequin. "Woah, the details of this. The dragons... it's subtle yet very powerful."

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now