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"You murmured her name again, sorry I can't be Akane, and I will never be her."



I thought to myself while feeding, King...

The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for. Maybe one day, I'll be what you need.

Know that there is someone who is waiting for you to return, no matter where you are (Y/N). 

I hate waiting. But if it means being able to be with you, I'll wait for as long as forever to be with you.

I hope you're safe. Always.

I can't help but be sad about the situation (Y/N) 's in right now. But, at the same time, I am happy, because I know to myself, even though you got Bonten wrapped around your finger; When it comes right down to it, we're all aware that I am the one who you may refer to as your "home." The one you contact on your way home, I am the one who keeps an eye out for you, and I am the one who gives you a big bear embrace before going up to your apartment. But what am I supposed to do? It's not like I can compete with them. I am just a mere orphan that your father took in.

Fuck this; tears started to fall from my eyes. I'm not the type of person who talks a lot. I have a lot of things to say, but I'd rather keep my mouth shut. I'm not the type of person who speaks his mind.

Sometimes I feel like my mind is my enemy. I overthink a lot of things. Look where it got me.

I get the feeling that I am nothing more than a tool to everyone. But, don't get me wrong, I'm not against it. I don't spend a lot of time thinking about these matters. Do you know why nothing or no one can hurt me anymore? Because I've learned to trust no one. Things are easier when you don't care... nobody gets hurt. because there is nothing more traumatic than being born on this planet and discovering that your parents chose to sell you for money.

I can even feel King's sadness. He didn't even finish his food.

"You miss her too, huh?" I said, patting King's head. Well, he just looked at me.

"Don't worry, buddy, I miss her too." I bent down to hug King. He placed his head on my shoulder. Maybe he knew I was hurting too. I tried to comfort (Y/N) 's dog, but I just ended up crying even more. 

I released King from my hug and looked at him. He started licking my tears away.

"Hey, it's okay, don't worry. I'm always okay; I don't have any other choice but to be okay." I patted his head and went to the door; he barked at me when I was about to go out.

"What's the matter, King? Is your food not enough? Or-"I stopped talking when he ran and came back with a leash.

"Now I get it. Give me that." I bent down and started to wrap the collar around his neck.

When I finished fixing his leash, I locked (Y/N)'s apartment and went down to take King for a walk.


King and I are now in McDonald's. I bought him ice cream, of course. While I was feeding Him, a woman approached him and started playing with him.

I looked up to the woman who came to us.

"Hi boy! I missed you so much!"

"Kai-san! Long-time no see!" I stood up and hugged Kai.

"I know, right. Damn, you look beat; what have you been doing lately?" Kai stated, looking at my face.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now