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"If you betray us, you shall marry one of us."



I stood up at Ran's proposal. "Whoa there, I have no idea whether either of you is high or not, but one thing is for certain: I do not want either of you to have any of my children. Tell them, Eishi, that you don't agree with this!"

I glanced at my laughing brother. "Well, (Y/N)... If you are certain in your heart that we won't betray them, then there shouldn't be any problem. And just so you know, when the time comes for me to retire, I won't hand over control to you. It seems like having a nephew would be a lot of fun."

This is getting entirely out of hand. I inhaled deeply and then re-seated myself at the table. Even so, Eishi does have a valid point. I hereby vow on my mother's grave that I will in no way betray them in any way, shape, or form. Who can predict what will take place? Perhaps they will turn against us and be the ones who betray us.

The meeting ended smoothly, but with all the mayhem, we had to exchange phone numbers to stay in touch. Mikey, on the other hand, caught my attention. His executives had already left. As for him, he seemed to be waiting for this chance to speak with Takemitchi.

Who knew that such a little human being could have so much charm? Mikey intervened just as I was about to leave. 

"Stay, (Y/N)."

I did as he instructed. To tell you the truth, I don't feel comfortable leaving Takemitchi alone with him.


"I told you to stay away from me, yet you are here meddling with my business again. I asked you this before, and I will ask you again. How do you want to die?"

"Mikey-kun, you asked me to save you. You can't keep suffering by yourself all along." 


What the hell are they talking about? My body quickly reacted and stood in front of Takemitchi when I sensed a dark aura embracing Mikey. 

"Move, (Y/N). I'll kill you too."

"Mikey-Kun, what happened to you? you said back then that you would never hit a girl."

Mikey disappeared without saying goodbye or providing an explanation before leaving. He paused just as he was about to shut the door behind him.

"Stay out of my way, Takemitchi."

Mikey has something really wrong with him. Everything is beginning to make sense; now I see why Shinichiro never wanted me to meet him. I assumed I was the only one with such dark impulses. But it gave me shivers when Mikey sat in the same room as me. The blood thirst was so intense. I'm not sure what happened to him to make him the guy he is today.

When I checked on Takemitchi, he was on the verge of tears. "Are you okay, Takemitchi? Can you explain to me what is happening?"

Takemitchi gestured for me to sit next to him. After that, he explained everything to me, starting from the very beginning. My first encounter with Bonten occurred on the same day I was 25 years old. He broke down for me the steps I took to get to the top of the modeling industry and achieve great things. so much s that I was given the opportunity to walk down on Victoria's Secret runaway when Bonten lied to me and tricked me; that beautiful moment in my heart turned into the greatest nightmare of my life.

Takemitchi expressed how much I wanted to murder them. I was gone for about 3 months or more, plotting a vengeance scheme against Bonten. He also believed he had utterly lost me because he had no idea that my dark impulses were even worse than Mikey's.

"I hope you can see why I had to step in (Y/N). I wanted to save you and Mikey. I'm not sure whether this is the best option for you, but I can't allow you to become connected with them again. I'll never forget the moment you were lifeless in my arms. You attempted to protect me back then, so allow me to do the same for you."

I smiled. "I appreciate you telling me this even though I know it may be difficult for you. After listening to you explain everything to me, I realize that you are trying your best to protect me and save everyone. But, I am certain that I can protect myself. If I could have killed them in the timeline you explained, then I can do it again; if they choose to betray either my brother or myself, I won't hold back. Take it easy, Takemitchi; I'm with you. I'm sorry you had to fight this all by yourself, but you don't have to face this challenge by yourself. You have gone through a lot, so let me do the same to you; allow me to be by your side."

The unexpected appearance of Rindou severely ruined the moment. 

I lifted a brow at him. "Yes, do you need anything?"

Rindou scratched the nape of his neck in a nervous manner. "Um, I was just wondering whether the number that you have given to me was correct..."

"And why?" I asked. 

"Because I tried calling it, it said that it was a wrong number."

Oh... I purposely did that, but okay fuck it. 

"Come here and give me your phone." Without even thinking, Rindou walked toward me and handed me his phone. 

"Here." I handed back Rindou's phone. At first, he was hesitant to take it back. "What? do you think it's wrong again?"

He took it back and tried dialing. 

"Is that the only reason why you came back?" I added.

"Well, yes."

I turn around again to face Takemitchi, but Rindou is still at my back for some inexplicable reason. When I turned around to face him again, he caught me off guard and gave me a peck on the lips

"What the hell was that for?" I stood up and pushed Rindou. 

"Baby, don't be too harsh on your future husband."

I scratched the back of my head in confusion. Is this person completely insane? or maybe they are just as insane as everyone else?

"I'll be going now, (Y/N). Don't block my number, okay?"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "So Takemitchi, where were we? What is your plan?"

"First, we get Mikey in a tight spot. Let's make sure he's not with any of his executives. I will definitely beat Manjiro Sano and save him."

The end is getting closer.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now