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Sex money feelings die

"Anyone whoever finds her first, can marry her and rule the Yakuza. I'll gladly give up my throne if that happens."



I have three days, three fucking days to find my sweetheart. Okay, (F/N) said (Y/N)'s specialty is concealing her identity right? I've upgraded every security that Bonten holds. You won't get away (Y/N).

🏦 DAY 1 🏦

I went to Roppongi and searched every casino. But there's still no luck. I decided to call Rindou, of course, there's a possibility that this 'Mika' girl is (Y/N).

☎Rindo Haitani☎

Me ☎:

Hey, do you still have that bra in your car?

Rindou ☎

Why... what are planning?

Me ☎:

Can I borrow it? I'm in Roppongi, and can you ask one of you guys to bring it to me?

Rindou ☎:

Koko, I swear to God you sound so funny. Do you have boobs now?

Me ☎:

What the hell? I have something in mind just let me know if you're going to give it or not.

Rindou ☎:

Come on Koko, don't be shy! How will you find (Y/N) with a bra? What? Are going to look at every woman's boobs and ask them what's their size?

Me ☎:

I think the drug you've been taking is affecting your brain now, that's what you get for hanging with Sanzu all the time. Maybe, that's the reason why you have a jellyfish haircut? 

Rindou ☎:

So we're going to talk about brains now huh?

Me ☎:

Yes. Because that's something you don't have.

Rindou ☎:

You know what? I'm not giving you the bra. Good luck finding her you bitch-


No, no, no! Wait! I'll increase your monthly pay if you ask one of you guys to deliver it to me now.

Rindou ☎:

Deal. Send me your location now.


As if I'd increase your monthly pay Rindou, you just proved to me you're an airhead. I'm at the penthouse of my hotel, waiting for the bra. For fuck sake that sounds so weird... I'm waiting for a bra... I know this is the least casino that (Y/N) will go to, but I've gotta give everything I got. 

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now