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"I'm fine, Koko."



Think, Takemitchi, think!

"No wonder I didn't see you last night. Let me guess; you were drunk as hell?"

I scratched my nape.

"Silence means, yes. Do you need a ride? I'm actually on my way home. I just collected the money from last night."

"I don't want to bother you any further, Koko, but who am I to refuse?" This is so embarrassing. But, I'll grab this opportunity for a free ride.

"Let's go. I'll drive you to your house."

"Well, Koko, Is it okay if you drive me somewhere else? I would like to visit an old friend of mine."

Koko seemed to be puzzled at the moment. Is it possible that I seem to be the sort of person who has no other friends but Naoto?

"Uhm, sure. Just give me the address." 


The ride was deafeningly quiet. At the moment, I'm suffering from a terrible hangover. By the way, I'm trying my best not to puke.

"Okay, Takemitchi. Before you leave, are you going to visit, (Y/N)"?

Wait, how come Koko knew (Y/N) and where she lives?

"Uhm, yeah. I just wanted to catch up with her because I got drunk early last night."

Koko just tapped the steering wheeling silently. 

"Is that so? Well, keep me in touch."

Keep you in touch? For what? I shook his hand and left his car. 

As soon as I went down Koko's car, I saw Kenji approaching me. 

"Hey, Kenji! Is (Y/N) home?" I asked. 

"Yup! By the way, she was carried home by someone whose hair was pink; I have no idea who he is."

No, no, no, no. It can't be. 

"Uhm, I'll go pay (Y/N) a visit. I wasn't able to see her because I got drunk right away."I was ready to go over to (Y/ N)'s apartment when I suddenly had a flash of insight. Last night, I was unable to see Kenji.

"I'm sorry. But, where were you last night?"

Kenji smiled at me.

"I was just here."

I tilted my head. "Why? you missed all the fun!"

"You know, as long as (Y/N) comes home to me, that's more than enough."

This is so wholesome, I get to witness Kenji's cheeks turn red.

"Hmm, Okay. I'll be on my way now. See you later."

Fuck, I hope (Y/N) doesn't leave the house. I'll do my best to explain everything that has happened and what will happen in the future to her.

I knocked on her door for around 3 minutes... I guess she was also wasted last night huh?

One last knock...


Woah, someone had fun last night.

"Takemitichi, is that you?" She scratched her eyes. 

"(Y/N)! Thank god you opened the door."

"Why would I not? Hey, do you wanna come in?" She opened the door even wider. Motioning me to go inside. 

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