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"as long as you don't strangle me, like what you did to Sanzu." 


So far, so good. I was able to relax and unwind yesterday with Koko. 4 days away before the big event! Before heading to the gym, I went to our warehouse to meet my secretary.

I'm keen to know more about this criminal organization. I can't afford to let my guard down in their presence. Mostly, I got the feeling that my father has a great deal of trust in them for some reason, and I don't have any issues with it. However, there is something that is bugging me.

As soon as I arrived, I went directly to my office and summoned my secretary.

I heard a knock on my door. I think it's my secretary. "Are you inside Ms. (Y/N)?"

"Yes. Please do come in!" I said, standing up to open the door.

"Really, Chifuyu? Ms. (Y/N)?" I said, looking at him before letting him inside. 

"You've been busy lately. Before we get into it, how are you?" He said, pulling me closer to him.

"Some things never change, huh-"He kissed me aggressively and carried me to my desk.

"Easy there, tiger. I see that you missed me?" I said to him while he was kissing my neck. He's now in between my legs; he started to unbutton me.

"The fuck you mean tiger, Do I look like Kazutora to you?"He stopped kissing my neck and looked at me. He shifted his hand to my neck, slightly choking me.

"I see you dropped your good boy act. You know we gotta stop having sex in my office; what if my father comes in?" I said, catching my breath.

"Who knows? Maybe he'll let me marry you since I am the only one who can satisfy his daughter." He said, still holding my neck.

"Are you sure about that? You're the only one? Come on, Matsuno. We both know we can't be together." I replied.

"Can you just shut your mouth?-" he said, and I cut him off, "Make me."

He removed my top along with my bra and started cupping my breast while kissing me. "You were saying (Y/N)?"

"N-n-nothing." I said, moaning while trying to speak. "That's more like it," Chifuyu said, transferring his lips down to my breast.

He is now sucking my left nipple and moving my right boob in a circular motion with his free hand. "Chifuyu, Im getting impatient here," I said while arching my back due to the pleasure he's giving me.

He stopped and spoke. "Stand up." I stood up and touched his growing member. I knelt down without breaking eye contact with him.

before unbuckling his belt, I spoke, looking at his zipper. "Damn, I missed you so much."

I unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. I sucked the tip first, tasting his pre-cum. I stroke it slowly with my hand while sucking his tip and moving my tongue in a circular motion. I looked up and saw him biting his lip from pleasure.

I started to suck his whole member aggressively. He gave me a 'shh' gesture when I began to make popping sounds from moving back and forth, stroking his dick with my mouth.

He lifted and flipped me; he is now behind me. He bent me down on my table and lifted my skirt. "I hope you're not tired yet." He said while holding my head against the table.

"as if, is that all you've got? I thought you missed me-"I stopped talking when he pulled my panties down and started massaging my clit. "f-fuck you," I said, having a hard time to breath.

Wrapped around my finger | BONTEN 18+Where stories live. Discover now