[10] - ҽxσʅʋυɳƚυɾ

549 8 13

How did Opheebop get here, stuck in a hospital looking out of the windows leading to the outside world? It happened a few hours after Stain's fight...


"Excuse me Opheebop-san, but you have to get to the hospital." Deku said, as the ambulance pulled up, with the police following suit.

"No no, i can't go. B-besides, it won't be a problem for this to heal." Opheebop responded, raising her pale, shaking hand. Her whole skin tone had became pale from the loss of blood.

"Ma'am, i hate to be rude, but the last attack is extremely deep. Not having the arm healed could cause a possibility for infection.

"N-no, i'm fiiiinnneeee-" Opheebop drops to the ground, weakness coming over her from the loss of blood. A doctor quickly put her on a stretcher and brought the stretcher inside the ambulance, taking her to the hospital.


So here Opheebop was, looking outside the windows of the hospital, in the room of the three boys, who watched her silently, questioning if it would be smart to say anything to her.

Noticing their stares, she looked at them with a blank facial expression. 

"What?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Iida and Izuku looked away out of embarrassment of being caught, but Shoto kept staring at her.

"I have a question." Shoto said, looking at her in the eyes. Opheebop hummed in acknowledgement, looking away at the window. Taking a deep breath, Shoto asked

"If you are Stain's daughter, then why did you help us? You do not have the same goals at he did? Or was he not always like this?" 

"That's three questions." Opheebop replied, looking back at the three of them. None of them responded, so she looked away again. The mood was a bit damp after the fight against Stain, and them wanting to know about her and her father relationship was a bit uncomfortable.


Opheebop didn't really listen to anything the chief of police had said. After all, they did it in self defence, right? None of them intentionally wish to hurt her father... right?

(Iida: 😀☝️  😐✊)


Opheebop, stood at the door, overlooking the trio sitting on their beds, still recovering. Deciding that they should at least hear something, she muttered loud enough for the trio to hear.

"Thank you for taking down my father."

The trio's heads shot up at the unexpected choice of words, but she had vanished, leaving them in confusion.


Opheebop walked down the streets of the hospital, looking up at the clear evening sky. Noticing a shift in the air around her, she looked around, noticing the strange stares of people, how everyone around her would suddenly start ushering their children away from her.  And how they looked at her with the all so recognisable look of fear in their eyes.

A very confused Opheebop looked around, searching for any hint of why the people would be so afraid of her.

"Hey, isn't that the daughter of Stain?"

"Yeah, it is the exact description..."

"Should we call the heroes?"

"Maybe, but we haven't heard anything about what she could have done yet."

Opheebop's eyes widened. What? How did they know about her being Stain's daughter? She flicked her phone on, and quickly searched the internet, using Stain's name. Entering an alleyway to avoid the stares of people, she read the first news headline she found. 

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