Extra Scene 2

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Bob stood outside the hospital, looking at the looming tower before him. Sighing, he goes through the hospital doors. Meeting the register, he signed in his actual name, 'Y/N Noah', and received the door number of the person he wants to visit. 

Muttering a small thanks, he goes up the the stairs, searching for the floor in which he would find the person. Finding the floor number, he moves through the hallway, looking for the door room he wished to visit.

Finding it, he stands at the front of it. He reaches out his hand to open, but hesitates, looking down out of guilt

"Fuck it." Bob shook of his feelings as he reaches his arm out and opens the door. Behind the door was a comatose, frail young girl, no older than 11 years old. Bob, enters the room, looking around the same old hospital room.

The room had nothing special, just a simple white painted wall, with a large window to provide a lot of air in it. Bob looked over at the bedside. A table stood there. Ontop of the table was a family picture. Bob took the picture, and looked at it.

Keeping it back, he went about his usual duties there. He replaced the flowers in the room, wrote a new note updating her on everything that's happening to him at the moment, leaving out parts of his new found villain life, and stayed by her unconscious body.

"..." Bob stared at her silent body, holding his hand out to her lifeless hand. Holding her hand in his own, Bob looked down out of guilt...






"I've already said it so many times before... But... I want you back little sis... Please..." Bob muttered to no one in particular.

"You may hate me, and I'd deserve that, but I just want you back..." Bob continued, looking at her face.


"I'm being ridiculous, talking to you if I don't even know if you can hear me." Bob said, looking away, getting up and moving to the door.

"Well, I'll see you later lil sis." Bob said, walking through the door out of the room.


Without noticing his sister's hand twitch...


Spiralling down the stairs, Bob looked at his phone to find out where Kurogiri's picking him up. All of a sudden, he suddenly gets bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see where I was go... ing..." The voice slowed down upon recognition of the character.

"... Na, It's fine." Bob responded, composing himself to see Uraraka and Tsuyu looking at him.

"Oh, you." Bob said, his eyes narrowing.

"Why are you here? Y-you and your friends have Bakugo, right? Tell us where he is and w-we may not hurt you." Urakaka said, nervousness rising, but she stood her ground.


"Wait really-"

"lol no." Bob responded, exiting through the hospital doors. Uraraka and Tsuyu run after him, only to find out that he's long gone, with no trace of him to be around.


it's 11pm. My cousins have kept me up till now so why not update a bit while i throw up and be scared about tests.

I had 6 tests in the span of a week what the actual fu-

(Word Count: 519 Words)

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