[24] - My Villain Academia

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Bob pov:

The ground rumbled beneath us. Something big was coming. I could feel it's power radiating off it.

The ground crumbled beneath us. Out of the ground came a giant rocky figure. It's black white eyes and exposed body showed just how powerful it really is.

"I've searched... And I've finally found you." He must be talking to Shigaraki. "So, you'll be the one to succeed All For One..."

In an unexpected manner, he raised his arms, and slammed them onto the ground. Opheebop agilely kicked off the floor, dodging debris, while for me, I destroyed the debris in a more, messy way. others around me were just tossed away like ragdolls.

"What the fuck?" I asked, looking at the giant... throwing a tantrum?

"Why All For One?! I can't take it!" He cried out to the heavens. "Why Master, he's too weak!"

"You seem to have a problem Shigaraki." A voice called out from a nearby radio station. 

"Doctor..." Shigaraki acknoledged.

"Hey, Eggman ripoff!" I called out. "Call off your damned dog!"

"I definately hear Bob, Are you all well?" He asked. 

"Well, yeah, but if you want your damned successor to be mincemeat in the next second, then yeah. Keep on talking." I said, looking at the monster.

"TYhat's Giganomantia." Jeez, such a long name. "He once served as All For One's bodyguard." Eggman informed. I just tuned him out. Jeez, he even like to gloat.

"He doesn't really look like a nice present, don't you think?" Dabi said, activating his quirk.

"You're right Dabi, his loyalty is so strong, he's in despair at the gap betwenn his former master and his student."

"So... work hard to get him to like us?!" Dabi unleashed his hot flames, then stood in shock, realising his flames did nothing to the monster.

"Damn, what a joke" I said to Dabi, pressing my foot down, unleashing a wave of spikes to attack the guy. In a surprising twist, the spikes broke on contact.

"DaMn, WhAt A jOkE." Dabi imitated me.

"Piss off." I said, sweat dripping down me as he approached us.

"Machia." The voice i've learnt to oh so hate said. The giant immediately falling to the record.

The smoke cleared to reveal the giant snuggling up to the record box.


"Bob are you ok-"

"I refuse." I simply said, annoyed that my spikes didn't do anything to them. 

"There, there, you'll be..." Opheebop was cut of by a familiar liquid that saved us before. The liquid soon surrounded me as well, as we got teleported to an unknown place.


We appeared at a strange laboratory.

"Fuck you." I simply said, Opheebop trying to clear the strange taste in her mouth.

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