leap of faith

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There was a boy who dreamed of the impossible trying to do what people said couldn't be done till one day the impossible happened this boy got so sad and tired with his world that he tried to end it all by jumping off a bridge but just before he did someone grabbed him and pulled him away from the edge and said to him

"Boy there is no need for that if you are tired of this world then come with me I can give you a new beginning"

"Why should I believe you your just an old man there's no way this world is all there is a boring and limited empty space full of pain and suffering besides even if you could do what you say what guarantee that my next life won't be just as boring, painful, and pathetic " 

"Because I am a god and I hate to see people kill themselves just because this world is boring and unfair also I can change you to fit in the next world how you want but this a one time deal I won't force you to do this you can end it all or take a risk and take a leap of faith with me hurry though there's others I need to save just like you"

"ya know what old man since there are other that are probably getting this deal why not"

"Perfect now take a leap of faith"

"What seriously you stop me then you tell me to jump anyway make up your mind but sure see ya on the other side old man" 

The old man waved goodbye to the boy as he jumped off the bridge and into a portal next thing he knew he was falling from the sky but his body had changed he had wings on his back like a dragons and horns on his head he started flying and found what looked like a town he landed just out side of the town and approached the gate there was a guard

"Hold it state your business " 

"I'm where am I"

"Your at Amber were a small town just west of the capital now why are you here" 

"Thanks and I was just hoping to get a job here know any good places" 

"well the bar is hiring but if you want we have a guild in town you can try there it's called dragons claw you can go in good luck"

"Thanks I appreciate the info" 

"hey kid word to the wise hide the wings and horns people get nervous when there's a demon in town"

"Thanks bye"

Well I guess I do look like a demon now that the guard mentioned it awesome I wonder if this world has magic I'll try that bar that the guard told me about if that doesn't work I'll go try that guild as I walked the streets i saw demons being beaten and made fun of they laughed and made fun of me too About an hour later the lady who owns the bar hired me and gave me a place to sleep upstairs her name is Malina she said she would take about a third of my pay to pay for room and food the first week is free too so I can at least get my feet under me I kept making sure this wasn't a joke and thanking her after I confirmed that it wasn't I couldn't believe how nice she was she made me as a dish washer that way people wouldn't start nothing with me I asked her questions about this world turns out a war between demons and humans had just ended about a year ago and people are still on edge when it comes to demons and that most demons are slaves we had a drink to celebrate me getting hired after she introduced me to the others who live and work here there was Chris her husband there was Diana, Tiffany, and Sofia who were waitresses and Bob the bartender and Kevin the cook after meeting everyone she showed me to my room it was surprisingly spacious with a window next to my bed and a dresser and a chair in one corner and a book shelf next to it it had a couple of books

"I don't know how to thank you" 

"you don't have to its simple here as long as you do your job I don't care what you look like or where you came from and as long as you don't cause trouble for everyone here you free to do what ever you want now get some sleep you start work in the morning"

"thank you again and I promise to do my best while I'm here"

"oh tomorrow after work your coming with me we have some shopping to do and I need a strong man to carry everything"

"yes ma'am I'll be there goodnight"

"Night Mark" 

Wow first day and I got a job and everyone seems to be real nice here

"So how do you like my little world Mark"

"Old man how did you get in here"

"The window anyways what do you think of my world"

"I don't know it's still too early to tell and besides I'm the main character of this story I haven't met my love interest or met my rival or had any excitement yet well that will probably change tomorrow" 

"oh and what makes you so sure"

"Because you said you'd make my life interesting"

"I did didn't I ok I guess I better get to it then you just sit back and watch the magic happen"

"Sure thing old man and thank you for bringing me here although the devil look is a bit weird just kidding I like it"

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