Julie ex

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I got back to Julie and Elizabeth in two days I barely stopped to rest when I got to the house it was dark out only one light on in the house I ran inside and burst open the door I saw Julie she was sitting on the couch with Elizabeth reading a book

"Thank goodness I made it before him somehow" 

I fell  to my knees on the floor tired Julie rushed over to me 

"Mark Mark are you ok what happened where's jack"

She helped me to the couch

"I'm ok just tired jack is in the town up north recovering blaze is with him don't worry about him worry about yourself your ex is coming to kill you I'm glad I got here before him" 

"No way I thought he had given up on us or that he was dead" 

"Yea that's not even the worst of it apparently he's some kind of monster now according to jack" 

There was a knock on the door I motioned for her to stay there I then pulled out my swords 

"Who is it" 

"It's me your husband now open this door I just want to talk" 

"Julie Take Eli to the room and hide don't come out no matter what you hear" 

I whispered to her she took off with Elizabeth to the secret room in the house when they were gone I sprung in to action  stabbing the door and pulled it out I backed up from the door it exploded open to reveal a man he had a big stab wound in his chest from me 

"So you stabbed me I don't know who you are but I'll kill you if you get In my way along with that bitch" 

"Well I guess your going to have to kill me because I'm not going to let you lay a finger on them" I charged at him and chopped his arm off he went to swing his sword at me I jumped away

"Ya'know I just rescued jack from the Frost Giants the other day and he said that you were some kind of monster I just don't see it to me your just a stupid slow pathetic brute"

I stabbed him in the chest again 

"You bastard I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do"

I took my other sword and cut off his head then grabbed his body and put it into a bag after I chopped him up and threw him outside I then went to where Julie and Elizabeth we're 

"Hey guys it's safe to come out now he's gone"

They ran out of the room and tackled me to the ground while they hugged me 

"Are you ok how badly are you hurt do you need a doctor" 

"Julie I'm ok not a scratch on me I'm fine so relax your ex is gone too there is some blood in the living room though and your going to need a new door though"

"I don't care I'm just glad everyone is ok and that I won't have to worry about him ever again"

I held them both for a while till my leg went numb

"Can you guys let me up now my leg went numb"

"Oh sorry" 

She helped me up Eli tried to help me up too

"Mom can I give Mark his present"

"Maybe tomorrow hunny I'm sure Mark wants to go to bed after such a long and crazy day"

"Oh she can give it to me now if she wants Julie I don't mind"

"Alright I'll be right back Mark" 

Eli ran into her room

"Any idea what she is giving me"

"None she has been making them in secret I told her it would be nice if you also got something for the welcome home party"

Eli cam back out with her hands behind her back

"Ok close your eyes Mark and put out your hands" 

I did as she said I felt her put something in my hands 

"Ok open them"

I did and looked at my hands there was a necklace it was a little wooden dragon with a rope for the chain

"Wow I'm impressed Eli you are very talented thank you so much"

"I made it as a good luck charm for you so you can always remember my mom since she likes you alot" 

"That is so sweet of you I'll always wear and treasure it and I promise you I will always return no matter what"

I put it on she smiled I couldn't help but smile Julie was also smiling 

"Hey it's getting late let's all go to bed we could definitely use it after today and besides you have school little missy now go to bed"

"Alright mom goodnight night Mark"

"Mark your sleeping in my room tonight" 

"Sounds like fun first I need a shower and to put up something for a door" 

(Warning inappropriate scene about to happen you can skip it if you want it takes up the rest of the chapter)

I went to the bathroom and got the water running stripped and got in it felt so good it felt like everything was being washed away all my worries and everything else just as I was fully relaxed some hands covered my eyes and felt some boobs on my back

"Guess who" 

"Is it Julie"


I spun to face her 

"You couldn't let me take a shower alone could you" 

"Nope after everything you have done I thought I could give you a reward" 

"I like the sound of that" 

She bent down so she was eye level with my dick which was already hard

"Well looks like your ready for your reward" 

She immidiatly started sucking my dick her mouth was so warm and her tounge I didn't know you could use a tounge like that she started out nice and slow then she was going faster and faster then she put my dick in between her boobs and was going up and down it felt so good that I couldn't take it anymore and finally released in her mouth and on her chest and face we both had to catch our breath

"Wow you were pretty backed up weren't you there's so much"

"I guess I was but you know that was amazing I can't believe that happened I definitely feel better now it's my turn to make you feel good" 


I lifted her up and sat her up against the wall I kissed her as I kissed her I took my left hand and began to massage her left boob she started to moan a little then I took my right hand my index and middle finger that is and plunged them in her pussy going in and out slowly she was starting to moan louder I then left a trail of kisses from her mouth to her neck to her collarbone and proceeded to her right breast and began sucking on it using my tongue to play with her nipple as my left hand played with the left boob gently pinching that nipple while my right hand was going in and out of her pussy till she came with a loud scream of pleasure 

(Ok dirty stuff is over enjoy) 

After that we layed down in the tub she was in front of me letting the water wash us I just held her enjoying her being there 

"We should probably get out now and get some sleep"

"I guess so can't stay in here all night"

We got out and dried off she gave me a pair of PJ pants as she got her PJs on I went and put some wood on the area that the door was and cleaned up the blood making sure none got on my pants after I finished I went back to the bedroom and we climbed into bed together and we fell asleep well she did almost immediately I was awake for a bit thinking about what Draco told me before Jack left I guess I better get to saving the world but where to start that's what was troubling me and who would help me

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