first day

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I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door I got out of bed and answered it was Bob I think

"morning Bob what is it"

"it's Chris and it's time for work so get some pants on I'll meet you downstairs in five"

I closed the door and put on my pants than I tried putting on my shirt it's hard with wings at least I could retract my wings to get my shirt on then I ran downstairs to the kitchen

"Ah there you are mark what kept you"

"sorry I'm not used to my body yet so it was a little hard to get dressed"

"That's ok first get some breakfast then throw on an apron and clean dishes and clean tables that's it today"

"sounds easy enough I'll head to the kitchen"

As I entered the kitchen it was busy everyone was running around cooking,serving,and taking orders I saw the dishes were starting to pile up so I decided that breakfast can wait and grabbed an apron till someone stopped me

"hey newbie have you eaten yet"

"ugh no but my station is starting to fill up so I thought I would get right to work"

"what are you talking about it looks pretty empty to me so eat some food then get to work you won't be able to eat again till noon or later if you don't want to collapse on the job then get some food"

"y-yes sir I'll go eat"

I booked it out of there and went to the fridge to see what I could eat about ten minutes later I was eating a bowl of beef udon and some bacon but just before I got to eat someone asked me what I was eating it was a young man I'm guessing about my age late twenties early thirties

"What is that"

"What this it's called bacon"

"No what's in the bowl what is that"

"What never seen beef udon before want to try some"

"you not tricking me it doesn't have any special demon poisons in it"

"why would I poison my own food idiot just try some or leave me alone"

"No wait I want to try it after you though"

He took a bite and his face lit up like a little kids

"This is delicious is it on the menu here I want the recipe"

"no it's not on the menu and I ain't giving away the recipe just like that"

"I will pay you what ever you want for this stuff even for just one bowl"

"dude relax its nothing special"

"excuse me do we have a problem here sir"

"yes we do you guys should sell this on your menu it's delicious"

"what is it that we should sell"

"Beef udan, nudon,"

"Beef udon"

"yes that's it"

" how about we first give out samples then let the manager decide right Mrs. Malina"

"why not if they like it we can sell it if they don't oh well I'll just take it out of your pay mark after you eat make some samples"

"yes ma'am hey I don't think I got your name sir"

"oh sorry I'm Jeff linger I'm actually the prince here"

"sure and I'm the demon lord"

"it's true ask anyone hey sir you know who the prince is"

"yes I think his name is Jeff linger now that you mention it you look a lot like him"

"thanks see I'm the prince here"

"why would you come here I thought princes lived in castles and we're pampered and raised to be wimpy but you look like you have been working hard and we'll your not what I expected from a prince"

"yea I get that alot I didn't get your name master Chief"

"I'm mark by the way I just got in town yesterday and I ain't no master Chief"

"you got into town yesterday and you already have a job wow your lucky to have one so fast do you have a place to live"

"yes I do upstairs I was lucky mrs Malina was the boss here she is very nice to someone like me a demon I've seen how some demons are treated any ways I'm going to go make samples for everyone talk to you later princess Jeff"

"yea see ya later Mark the master chief"

To my surprise everyone That tried it liked it and it sold like crazy after we gave out samples people were requesting it like it was the hottest thing now everything has calmed down and I was on break I was leaning against a pole I stretched my wings now that I look at them there pretty cool they remind me of a bats or a dragons

"Yo demon boy"

I look to where the voice came from it was a young woman with silver long hair she was carrying a sword at her side

"who me"

"Naw the other demon boy"

I turned around

"Of course you who else"

"what do you want I got to go back to work in a few"

"I just wanted to give my compliments to the Chief so thanks for the meal"


"why are you laughing"

"S-sorry it's just that ever since I arrived here everyone I've meet has been nice to me and now I'm even getting compliments for my food it's ironic most of my life people have been cruel to me then I come to this world And I'm being treated so nice like I'm actually a person instead of trash"

"wait what do you mean you came to this world are you from another world"

"yes I'm from another world so what I'm never going back to that world it was terrible"

"wow you have got some anger issues with your home world it doesn't sound like a good place anyways I'm Julie by the way what's your name"

"Oh sorry I'm Mark Julie funny I used to have a friend named Julie back home in my old world but she died"

"Yo Mark break time over"

"well I got to go see ya around sometime julie"

"see ya Mark if you want to come by the guild some time that's where I work bye"

I walked back inside and got back to work on dishes we sold out on beef udon about an hour after I came back and at about six o'clock Malina let me off work and we went to her office she told me to have a seat

"Ok if I did something wrong I'm sorry I know I broke a couple of plates"

"Mark relax your not in trouble actually I want some ideas from you"

"ideas on what food"

" yes what other dishes can you come up with because the beef udon sold big and it was cheap to make so I want you to create more dishes that are cheap to make and if it sells I'll cut you out a piece of the profit sound good"

"sounds like a good idea I'll give you a list in the morning what is tomorrow anyways"

"you have the day off tomorrow is Sunday were closed "

"alright hey didn't you want my help shopping today"

"yes but you can help me tomorrow with the shopping about 10 am"

"You got it ma'am I just have to make sure I'm up by then"

"Alright see you in the morning remember curfew is at 10pm"

"yes ma'am goodnight"

The Deamon boyWhere stories live. Discover now