the team

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After work me and Jack went to Jeff's after we grabbed Thor, Lee, and blaze Jeff's place was not what I expected first off it was in the center of town and it was simple looking second the inside was just a little dirty like some clothes on the floor and some trash

"Hey guys I'm Jeff for those of you who don't know me I'm the guy creating this team"

"Yea sure I'm the one putting it together while you do nothing anyways where's your guy"

"She'll be here"

"Wait she"

There was a knock on the door

"That's probably her right now"

He opened the door there was a young lady with white hair and a medium sized bust she also had a bow and quiver

"Hey Jeff I got your message what's so urgent"

She looked at us

"Oh no no no you are not dragging me into another one of your schemes"

"Hey Lisa wait this isn't some scheme it's the real deal we all came together to change the world ok please we need your help"

"What about you guys"

"Well we're all on board with his idea infact I was thinking about it before he approched me what is your name may I ask"

"I'm Lisa I have been friends with Jeff since he was little who are you guys"

"I'm Mark that's Jack, lee, and Thor"

"Fine I'll go along with you Jeff just this once ok"

"Yes thank you you won't regret this"

"Well looks like we got the team together let's head to the woods"

We went to the woods Jeff and I explained what we were doing there and after about 2-3 hour's we figured out everyone's roll Lisa is an Archer jack is a mage Lee is a knife fighter while the rest of us used swords I used sword and armor we also figured how we want to move together Thor guards the rear I handle the front Jeff guards the right lee on the left with Jack and Lisa in the middle and blaze will fly overhead and will provide support or distractions right now we were going to our separate home's I dropped blaze off back at the guild me and Jack went back to the house

"Hey Mark I got to go somewhere else let Julie know I won't be back till tomorrow so don't wait up"

"Alright no problem but hey we're you going"

"Oh um actually I meeting someone don't tell Julie though I don't want her to know yet she will bug the hell out of me about it"

"Hey no problem dude I won't tell have fun see you tomorrow"

I went back to the house and I get tackled to the ground when I look to see who it is it's Julie

"Why am I getting tackled to the ground"

"Because I missed you"

She helped me up

"So where's Eli"

"she is with a friend she made today"

"really who is it"

"His name is John he helped Eli when they started to beat her up today"

"What is she ok"

"Yea she's ok she just got a few bruises that's it no major injuries"

"Whew that's good to hear but wait she's with a boy alone right"

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