Jack's return

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It was early in the morning Julie was still asleep I heard Eli getting up I got up and put my shirt on then went out to the hallway 

"Morning Mark" 

"Morning Eli why are you up so early"

"I have to go to school is mom up"

"No she's still asleep want some breakfast" 

"I would but I'm running kind of late"

"Well how about you get something to eat and I'll fly you to school"

"Ok you sure I won't be late"

"If you are just say you had a family emergency or something like that"

"But mom says not to lie"

"Alright just tell them you had a late start" 

We had breakfast she grabbed her school stuff and we went outside I locked the door picked her up and we flew straight to her school when I landed people were staring at us

"Thanks Mark I'll see you after school" 

"Alright have a good day" 

"Excuse me sir"

I turned around to see a lady standing there

"Yes ma'am can I help you" 

"Yes I'm the principal here and I was wondering why one of my students was being dropped off by a demon such as yourself" 

"Well that's simple you see I'm her mother's boyfriend and she was running a bit late this morning so I offered her a quick way to school why is that a problem" 

"Yes it is you see demons are not allowed on school grounds so I will ask you to stay away from here"

"Seriously so where do demon children go for there education" 

"Why the slums where else should your kind be now do I have to call security or else" 

"Fine I'll leave old hag" 

I flew out of there and back to the house and went back to the bedroom Julie was waking up

"Morning sleepy head" 

"Morning what time is it" 

"A little after 8:30" 

"Oh shit I got to get Eli to school"

"Relax I already took care of her and dropped her off oh and that principal is such a hag"

"Oh did she give you the drill about no demons" 

"Yea right after I dropped Eli off well we better get ready for work right oh I made you some food by the way"

"Thanks you really are a life saver"

"Hey sorry for falling asleep last night"

"Eh it's no biggie besides you had a lot of stress built up well I'll see you after work" 

We went to our separate jobs everyone was glad I was back Melina was the first one to welcome me back

"Well look who's back I was starting to thinking I would have to hire someone else glad you're back Mark you ready for work"

"Great to see you too boss and I'm ready for duty" 

"Good because someone lost today's special recipe so it's a good thing you showed up get to work"

"You got it boss" 

Work was fun getting back into the groove I didn't get out till about 3 but everyone wanted to have a drink with me and I had to tell them why I left after miss Malina gave me my cut from my dishes which is just 10% then I went back to Julie's house I walked in Julie and Eli were working on dinner 

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